Chapter 9 - Cash

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As I drive my truck to the courthouse for Bullseye's hearing, all I can think about is Rose.

What is she going to wear? Will she be happy to see me? Will she do that powerful sexy walk again? That's just a few thoughts running through my mind like a wildfire.



That's all I have thought about too, how I'm going to make her mine.

After my conversation with my brother last night I have come to the conclusion that I'm gonna make a move today after the hearing.

Make a move? Dammit, what am I? A teenager asking out the super hot girl they have no chance of getting? Yes. Fuck off.

Even my own thoughts are not on my side. But what my mind does have right is the fact that Rose is mine and no one else's.

Pulling up into the parking lot outside of the courthouse I see Tool, Delilah, and Jake getting out of Tool's truck. I pull up in the spot next to them.

Turning off the truck and getting out I say "Hey! You guys drove together?" 

Jake responds "Yeah, Delilah is really nervous and asks if we can pick her up. Tool and I were already gonna drive together since my bike is still in the shop."

I nod "Cool. So, ready to go in '', Delilah turns around from where she is "Yeah, Rose texted me saying that she was already here and in one of the breakrooms with her intern getting everything she needs today prepared."

So, she's already here. Yes!

In my mind, I am so excited to see her again. Even though it's been like a day since I met her. But that doesn't matter. It's like the saying "When you know you know" and fuck do I know.

"Cool, so should we go inside before everyone gets here, too you know, let her know that we are here and ready?" I stammer with maybe a little too much excitement and nervousness.

It doesn't go by unnoticed though, unfortunately. Jake and Tool both give me knowing smirks, but, Tool is the first to speak, "What's up Cash, you seem a little antsy to go see the hot bombshell lawyer inside?" Tool smirks "You wouldn't happen to be excited to see her, would you? Or maybe be crushing on her?"


I shoot him my middle finger "Of course not. All I am saying is maybe we should go let her know that we are here. But, if you all want to wait for everyone else to get here then fine, let's wait."

Delilah looks at me with such a big sly smile that is kinda freaking me out, considering the place we are in and the fact that her husband might go to prison if today doesn't go in our favor

"No, Cash is right, we should go inside and see her. I bet Rose will be so happy to see you." She says as she walks past all of us with one final weird look directed at me. Like she knows something I don't.

What the Fuck

Jake and Tool both look confused by Delilah's demeanor just now too "I feel like she is hiding something but I don't know what" Jake says with a frown. Tool looks just as confused as I feel but looks at me with a smirk instead.

"You heard the lady, she might be happy to see you Cash" he laughs. Jackass. "Alright rub it in," I say with an eye roll. "But, for the record, after today goes well I am gonna ask her out."

Jake's frown disappears as if it was never there and it turns into a smirk once again. "Oh, is that so, you're gonna ask her out? What are you, 16? Can't keep it in your pants any longer?" Tool laughs "Yeah Cash, you seem like you're in love" he sings in a funny voice.

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