I'm a living hell

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Alize p.o.v

I was sitting on my bike, and I had the others take Shadow and his gang inside, mostly to keep watch of them "Mi amor, you look so beautiful in this moonlight" I hear Max say "and you look more idiotic in the moonlight" I say as he chuckles "let's get inside mi amor" I nod as we walk inside "THIS IS OUR MANSION, YOU RESIDE IN OUR MEETING ROOM YOU BITCH" I hear and sigh "this should be fun" Max says walking into the meeting room before me.

once I get inside I see them all fighting "Okay that's enough" I say but everyone keeps yelling "Watch your mouth you mutt!" "how about you watch yours!" "or what you stupid freak!" "or I'll make you regret Stepp-" "I SAID ENOUGH!!!" I yelled and everyone got quiet "Now take a seat and shut up" Everyone dose as told and Finely stood next to me which made me smile "So we are here to discuss the recent issues, let's get down to business. Shadow, explain what you found out about cobra." he stands as me and Finely sit "It seemed Cobra or Rowan was a spy but not just to you guys but to us as well, she was feeding some kind of gang our information, all we know is that they know about both of us but no info on Lilith's casino" I nod as Shadow sits down "so for the time being, you guys will be staying with us and before anyone complains our mansion s more secure I have Ruby through this whole house so we will be the first to know if anything goes on during your time here, I will be first to know." everyone kept quiet and I nodded "now Echo if you wouldn't mind showing our guest to their tempoary living spaces, the bosses have to have a talk" Jasper nodded before having everyone clear outtheonly one who stayed was Daniela and Finely "wouldn't these matters be better discussed without your boyfriend around?" Dimitri says sounding a little annoyed "could say the same about your girlfriend" I snapped back but Max put his hand on m shoulder "I'll show miss dragonfly here to her and Shadow room" I nod as Max takes Daniela away.

Dimitri p.o.v 

I sat across from Alize, she had grown so much since the last time I saw her. it's not the same girl I remember from years ago "So what is it you wanted to discuss?" she asked as she looked at me with those different color eyes 'she still can see through it?' I questioned in my head "Yes I can, no thanks to you" she said and I chuckled "My apologies, that was supposed to be my thoughts, not my words" She rolled her eyes and started to get up "Wait, I am truly sorry. let's discuss this arrangement shall we?" she sighs but nods "fine, you and your gang will be on the second floor while my gang and will be in our rooms on the third, as I can not trust any of you to be near us. we will only communicate if it has anything to do with this mob that is coming to us soon" I nod as she continues I watch her movement and how she looks around while talking "So do we have a deal?" I nod before shaking her hand "get some sleep, I have to go talk to my tech specialist so Ruby doesn't shoot at the sight of one of you" I chuckle but she looks at me dead serious "oh she'll actually do that?" she nods "she is not like normal computers" with that she leaves and I head up to the rooms.

once I get up there I see Finely and Daniela talking "Thank you for keeping her entertained," I say as I get Daniela into the room "Anytime," he says with a smug smile "Back off Finely" I whisper "Or what Dimitri? I don't take orders from you" "When did you start working for Her?" I closed the door behind me "I just do her favors Dim, it's not whatever you're thinking" he sighed leaning against the wall "Then why are you here?" "As I said I'm doing a favor and she knew I needed protecting so I'll be here for as long as you'll be here" With that he walked off and I went into my room.

Jasper p.o.v

I was listening in on Finely and Shadow's conversation 'tension was high, probably for the best' I think as I watched them go their separate ways "Hey pretty baby" I groan "Blade I swear to god I'll shoot you right where you stand" I hear him chuckle as he comes into my view "easy, I just wanted to see the lovely Echo" i roll my eyes as I try to walk past him "oh come on doll, I just wanna talk" "get lost" "why you scared you'll fall for my charms?" I laugh "What charm?" he fake pouts before the smirk plays right back on his face "Give me a chance and maybe you'll find out" "Not a chance," I say "But Why? Because you already are taken?" "no, because you irritate me" "Ah but you do still talk to me" I finally looked at him, he always seemed to wear a smirk, and his clothes were fancier than any scout's. Still, he is a second in command and I will never understand how he got to that position, maybe he is close friends with Shadow which means Alize's reaction at the Casino meant something different than just protecting me "Doll if you keep undressing me with your eyes, I might catch a cold," he says. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks "I-I'm not as undignified as you" he chuckles and gets closer "Oh but I disagree, you like the attention Echo" he says his voice darkened as his smile widens "Shut it, Blade, you know nothing" "I know that you had a gun last night, I know you had every chance to shoot but why to give a warning to an enemy unl-" I smash my lips into his shutting him up. it was only supposed to last a second but how he held my face made me melt "Not here" I get out through breathes "Then let's go somewhere more private"

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