1.3 Origins: Part three (edited)

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3rd Person POV

"Kim!" The golem's voice thunders throughout the stadium, where some students were doing an activity for school. "So, who's the wuss now?!"

Kim breaks in a scared run as the rock being begins to chase him, the rumble of the earth beneath him makes him fall on the grass.

Stoneheart trys to grab him but Red Panda rushes in the scene and drags Kim at the exit. "Run! The heroes will take care of it!"

Kim flees out of the stadium as Chat Noir catches the monster's attention. "Hey, it's not very nice to pick on people who are smaller than you!"

"I guess you're talking about yourself!" replies Stoneheart and goes to swing at the cat, who uses the staff to block the blow.

"Raven, now!" exclaims Chat.

Raven appears on the scene and runs on the golem's arm, sword in hand, as he goes to slash his head, expecting to at least stun him, which doesn't happen. In fact, the golem does nothing but get bigger.

Raven lands next to Red Panda. "Well, that's definitively not what I was hoping for..." says the bird. "Do you have any idea?"

"DUCK!!!" yells the panda.

"Uh... do you mean raven?" asks Raven confused.

"No!! Duck!!" replies Red Panda as he ducks down for avoid a flying Chat Noir, who lands on Raven.

Red Panda helps the two heroes up as Raven says "We really need that bug right now..."

"I can't... I'm not going to be able to do it...."  whimpers stressed the heroine, watching the fight from afar.

Stoneheart grabs a soccer goal and throws it at them but missed. However, the goal goes flying towards Alya, who was filming the whole fight.

"Crap!" says Raven and rapidly rush towards the goal, cutting it in half with his sword.

The cat and the red panda both cheer but they get distracted and get grabbed by Stoneheart.

Raven starts panicking and enters in a defensive stance with Alya behind him as he trys to come up with a plan. But the girl notices the red bug heroine. "What are you waiting for Super red bug? The world is watching you!"

"We could really use some help!!" says Red Panda trying to free himself and Chat Noir using his daggers.

After a seconds, the heroin swings her yo-yo around the golem's legs for then swings in front of them. "Animal cruelty? How shameful."

Stoneheart trip when the bug pulls her yo-yo and the trapped heros are now free.

"You took your time, huh?" speaks Raven as he reunites with others. In the background they hear Alya squealing and fangirling over the team of heros.

"I know, sorry for taking so long..." answers the heroine.

"It's cool, Wonderbug. Now let's kick his rocky behind!" Chat Noir is about to go attacking the rocky creature but the lady hero pulls his tail.

"Haven't you noticed he gets bigger and stronger with ever attack? We have to do something different." says the bug.

"Different how?" asks Red as Chat rubs his tail like it hurts, causing Raven to wonder if pulling Red's tail will have the same effect, Red notices the glance Raven is giving to his tail and takes a few steps away from him.

"Uh... I don't know." admits the heroin out loud.

"Okay then, let's use our powers!!" the cat smiles "Cataclysm!!"

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