Chapter 13 - The Mystery

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Meanwhile, in the Unikingdom, the crew of Unikitty was left with dwindling hope as their search for their leader seemed futile. However, a sudden revelation from Brock brought a surge of urgency and determination to the group.

"Guys! Guys, listen! I have some intense news to tell you," Brock announced, waving his phone excitedly.

Dr. Fox inquired eagerly, "What is it, Brock?"

Brock, visibly stirred, replied, "I just received a message from Master Frown and Master Doom, and, I don't know about you guys, but... Unikitty is in the United States!"

The crew, including Hawkodile, gasped in shock and concern.

"What?! How on earth did she get there?" Hawkodile questioned, his brow furrowed with worry.

Dr. Fox and Brock exchanged uncertain glances, both at a loss for answers.

Richard turned to Puppycorn, seeking insight from Unikitty's brother.

"Puppycorn, do you remember what happened to Unikitty when she went missing?" Richard asked, hoping for a clue.

Puppycorn furrowed his brows in concentration, delving into his memories.

[Start Flashback]

Puppycorn recalled a moment from two days ago when he and the crew had returned to the castle after a long day. He had urged Unikitty to hurry for dinner, prompting her response.

"Come on, sis! We don't want to be late for dinner!" Puppycorn had called out.

Unikitty, engaged with something near a portal, had quickly responded, "Coming!"

With that, Unikitty had gathered her belongings and swiftly returned to the castle.

[End of Flashback]

Puppycorn's realization struck him.

"Oh... I remember now," Puppycorn muttered, piecing together the events.

Brock, intrigued, pressed for more information. "What is it?"

Puppycorn shared his revelation. "I believe she went into a portal!"

The crew was once again stunned, grasping the gravity of the situation.

"But, why would she do that!?" Hawkodile pondered aloud.

Puppycorn elaborated, "I believe she discovered it when she tripped over that stone. And now the portal has disappeared into the unknown."

Dr. Fox concluded, "It appears that the portal vanished after Unikitty entered it."

Richard, nodding in agreement, affirmed, "She has a point, Puppycorn."

Brock contemplated the mystery before them.

"Hmm, this is a mystery," Brock remarked thoughtfully.

Puppycorn, filled with determination, inquired, "Can we go and rescue her?"

Brock assured him, "Of course we can, but we have to act fast. We don't know what kind of danger she's in."

Dr. Fox supported Brock's plan. "Brock is right. We have to come up with a plan and gather all the resources we need."

Hawkodile, ready for action, proposed, "I'll get the spaceship ready."

Dr. Fox gently reminded him, "But the spaceship was destroyed a long time ago when we were stranded in space."

Hawkodile nodded in acknowledgment. "Oh, right. Brock, do you have any ideas?"

Brock's face lit up as a solution came to him.

"Ha-ha! I got it! Why don't we build a car, equipped with submarine gadgets and rockets?" Brock suggested enthusiastically.

Dr. Fox approved of the idea. "Great idea! Looks like science has finally found the answer."

Puppycorn, excited to contribute, chimed in, "Awesome! I'll pack some snacks!"

With that, Puppycorn darted into the castle to gather provisions, returning swiftly to the crew.

"Okay, I've got the stuff," Puppycorn announced eagerly.

Richard took stock of their supplies. "Let's see, food, drinks, torches, and I think that's everything."

Brock rallied the team. "This is just right for an adventure! Let's move, team! We're going to bring Unikitty back home!"

The crew set to work, constructing the car with submarine capabilities and rocket propulsion. It was a labor-intensive process that took four days to complete, but at last, the vehicle was ready for their mission.

"Now we're ready to get our friend back," Dr. Fox declared with determination.

Puppycorn pumped his fist excitedly. "Aww yeah!"

They all boarded the vehicle, ignited the engine, and launched off on their journey to rescue their ruler. Unbeknownst to Unikitty's crew, their old adversaries, Master Frown and Master Doom, were in pursuit, intent on intercepting their mission.

As the crew sped towards their goal, the stakes were high, and the mystery surrounding Unikitty's disappearance deepened with each passing moment.

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