Ch. 14 Her Name

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Snape was seething over the interrogation he just had with Potter before Remus and the Weasley boy barged in. He had him cornered dead to rights on sneaking off to Hogsmeade with Draco's damning testimony, the idiocy of doing such a thing when the night before Black was spotted in the castle again. He even escapes his consequences like his father, he angry lamented to his empty office.

He was so entrenched in his anger of being undermined yet again until the creaking sound his classroom door opening echoed through the dungeon.

"Severus? Is everything alright? I heard you shouting from the corridor and just saw Remus escorting Harry and one of the Weasley boys out in a bit of a hurry." Called out a voice as refreshing as cool spring breeze.

Snape jumped out of his seat and stepped out of his office door to see Andromeda approaching him with a small basket full of this week's supplies in her satin gloved hands. She looked looking exceedingly elegant for a Sunday afternoon. Her hair was pinned into a loose bun and she wore a lovely ivory silk dress covered in intricate lace that covered her neck down to the skirt, her milky skin exposed underneath the gaps of the lace flower design. The hem swished around her calves as she walked, her ivory heels clicking quietly against the ground.

"Everything is fine, only the ever arrogant Mr. Potter dodging accountability yet again. Thank you for your concern. And you? What's the occasion that calls for looking like a bride?" Snape commented.

"Do I? My own wedding dress was not nearly this ornate." Andromeda said lightheartedly as she handed the basket off to him.

Snape felt his mood drop but he couldn't understand why, he never cared about his colleagues personal lives.

"I see, so you are married then?", he asked in spite of himself.

Andromeda was silent for a moment as though she was contemplating whether she would answer.

"I was, but that was a long time ago." She said quietly as her lightheartedness disappeared.

Snape realized instantly that he made a mistake.

"I apologize, I meant nothing by it." He said, deeply regretting his words.

"It's alright. I agree that I am a bit over dressed. Albus gave me this dress some time ago and as we were having tea earlier, it seemed like the right occasion to wear it." She softly smiled, but sadness remained in her pale eyes.

What's the old man's angle giving her such a gift, his thought laced with skepticism and annoyance.

Suddenly Peeves the Poltergeist whizzed down from the ceiling blowing raspberries.  

"Slime ball! Slime Ball!" He chanted maniacally as he cartwheeled around in the air, extinguishing the remaining torches in rapid succession.

"Peeves stop!" Snape bellowed angrily, but it was too late for with the last torch extinguished they were now enveloped in the darkness of the windowless dungeon. He felt around his pocket for his wand when he felt a pair of ice cold hands on his back  shove him hard.

He lost his balance and was unable to catch himself as he crashed into something, his wand slipping out of his hand. Peeves maniacal laughter faded away as he presumably slipped back up the ceiling.

Snape was beyond cross from his annoyance and embarrassment that he took a second to calm himself before assessing the situation. He tried to get up but felt a small tug beneath him, as though he was caught on something.

"That damn Peeves. Did you hear where my wand fell? I'm caught on something." He asked the void, he was not sure if she knew he fell but certainly didn't want to admit it.

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