Chapter 9: Power

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The door slammed shut with a heavy thud, echoing through the dimly lit stone walls of my new quarters. 

The outfit they gave me—a black top and tight-fitting pants—was simple but functional, designed for agility and flexibility. 

As I changed into the outfit, my thoughts raced back to my cousin. I

If there was any chance he was in this world too, I had to find him.

The guard who brought me here hadn't said much, only that I was to prepare for more training. 

It was clear I wasn't a prisoner in the traditional sense, but I was far from free. 

The training seemed like a test, one I had to pass if I wanted to gain any leverage in this place.

As I adjusted the fit of the pants and pulled the top over my head, I glanced around the small room. 

There was the bed the corner, a simple wooden chair, and a small table. 

there were no windows, the only source of light was a singular lantern, It wasn't a cell, but it felt like one.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my mind still racing. 

If my cousin was here, he'd likely be in the same position as me—forced to serve, train, and perhaps even fight for these people. 

The more I thought about it, the more determined I became.

 I  couldn't leave this world without finding him, without making sure he was safe.

Can I even endure the training? I thought to myself. 

Whatever they had planned for me, I needed to be ready. T

The skills I learned here could be the key to finding my cousin and ultimately returning to our world.

I stood up, my resolve strengthening, I needed to play along, to train and become stronger,.

 I also needed information. 

The cloaked figure who ran this place held the answers, and I had to find a way to gain their trust—or at least earn enough of their respect to ask questions.

As I left the room and headed toward the training grounds, I vowed to myself that I would not leave this world without finding my cousin.

 He was somewhere out there, and I was determined to bring him home.

The training grounds were a stark contrast to the dark corridors and heavy stone architecture of the castle. 

Wide open spaces with sandy terrain, surrounded by crumbling walls, allowed for various combat exercises and drills.

As I entered, I saw other trainees—mostly humanoids but with distinct features that set them apart from what I was used to back in my world. 

Some had elongated ears, others had scales on their skin, and a few had wings.

I was led to a section where several trainees were practicing swordsmanship. 

A tall instructor with a commanding presence approached me. 

His skin was pale, almost white, and he had long red hair tied back into a ponytail. 

His eyes were dark and intense, and the scar running across his face suggested he'd seen plenty of combat.

"Ryazania, right?" he said, his voice deep and gravelly.

How did he know my name?, I was startled yet I nodded, trying to appear confident despite the lingering soreness from the earlier encounter with the shadowy figure.

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