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Jessie had noticed pretty early on that her daughter wasn't really like the girls her age. To be fair, none of the girls that went to her daughter Aubrey's school would sit in their rooms, very oddly fixated on trying to cut all the "girly" parts off of their barbie dolls or chopping all their hair off, turning it into the horrendous handiwork of a 4-year-old girl going wild with her scissors. It never looked good, and it just hurt Jessie's soul at how botched their hair would get when found in the wrath of Aubrey's hands. Chunks would be cut out of the mess and every little bit was uneven. Jessie would find stray bits of barbie hair all through the house sometimes.

When her little brother, Sam, was born, she was oddly jealous. Aubrey loved him all the same, but there was a part of her that just felt so jealous that he could be a boy and she couldn't. She never really expressed these thoughts of her longing to just be a little boy and not a little girl to a single soul, scared of how people might perceive her. If she even hinted at not liking girly things, the other kids at school would tease her so she just hid. She didn't feel the need to hide that when the apocalypse had started. She never knew too much and didn't have to face it much, thanks to the safety of Alexandria, the place her family had found within a few days of it starting. A few people already lived in some of the houses there, and so a small community was formed. This would grow to be a larger community over time.

Nearly a year into the apocalypse, Aubrey decided to face the feeling that had bubbled in her for so long. She had only ever learnt a little about being transgender, but she was curious. With the little she heard, it seemed to fit more than she could say. With a bit more research (which was pretty easy to actually find, even in the apocalypse without the internet) she felt like that was her. A bit more thinking and it was decided, she had found out she was transgender and that she was truly a boy. Only issue was telling people. He wasn't sure about how his father would react, but he was afraid of that outcome, so he just decided to tell his mother, who was a lot more calm and just overall loving.

It was a very tearful moment, yet also heartwarming. He was afraid that maybe she wouldn't love him anymore, but she said she could never not love her beautiful boy. He cried a lot that night, and so did she. They cried together, but the tears were happy tears. He was happy his mother was supportive, and she was happy that he felt brave enough to tell her. They decided on the name Ron together before bed.

Ron woke up early the next day, half excited and half nervous. Before he had practically fallen asleep out in the lounge room, his mom said that if he really wanted, he could cut his hair. It would be easy enough, because Jessie was a hair dresser before the apocalypse, so it fit perfectly. She said she'd just make an excuse up for when the haircut would be seen by Pete. That is if he payed any attention to his son. Well, still daughter to him, but who even cares about what Mr. Asswipe thinks. (At least, as Ron would say.)

Sam had joined his mother and brother while he got his hair cut. Ron had briefly described the change to the young boy. He didn't really get it, but he found it nice that he had a brother now. He watched the little pieces of Ron's hair get snipped off and fall to the ground, like delicate little flower petals. He would giggle when Ron would squirm at a little piece falling down onto his shoulder or neck, tickling him. And when it was eventually cut and styled, he would run his fingers through his brother's newly cut hair, a grin on his face the entire time. Sam was happy he had a brother, Ron was happy he could be a brother, and Jessie was happy that she could now say she had two amazing sons. The change was big and not exactly unsuspected, and it would take some time getting used to, but Jessie was happy to try her best if it made Ron happy, and Sam understood how important it was, even with his little knowledge. Jessie could just say that Ron (having to use his deadname unfortunately though) had decided it would be easier to navigate an apocalypse with shorter hair, for he was clumsy and if he ever felt he wanted to go over the walls, surely he'd get his hair stuck, or it would get in the way! Hopefully there would be little issues with this, but one could only hope.


HII i haven't written in a little while!! and i haven't ever written for twd before :33 please ignore if my writing isn't the greatest, i don't do this often and i really don't know how to write endings so PARDON THAT!! you can just. mentally change any part of that if you want ^_^ i'm probably gonna write more twd stuff especially with ron, because he's a big comfort character and i see myself in him a lot yap yap ENOUGH YAMMERING expect some rarl stuff soon!! maybe some little bite-sized fics and maybe a more drawn out one.. there will be no smut though.. if that is your thing, you won't find that here because personally i'm not comfortable writing smut as a 13 year old and i'm not up to writing or reading smut of teenagers because sorry that's a little weird ❤️ i'm also asexual so i just don't wanna do that overall but i'm also underaged so just. yeah!! but some hopefully cute stuff coming and also maybe a little ron angst :3 OKAY OKAY i'll stop talking now acting like i'm some crazy big writer.. thank you so much for reading!! ^_^ comments and votes are appreciated but don't feel pressured, thx <3

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