★ | #10 | rain

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#10 | rain"how could i ever say no?"in my mind • lyn lapid"if only you knew what goes on in my mind"

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#10 | rain
"how could i ever say no?"

in my mind • lyn lapid
"if only you knew what goes on in my mind"


Rina, determined to focus on her project, was actively avoiding Riki and his flirty antics, burying herself in the project assigned by Mr. Seong. As she worked with concentration, she silently prayed for Jungwon and Leeseo to arrive at Riki's house sooner. She wasn't sure if she could take Riki's flirting any longer ─ it was making her blush and scream internally.

"RinRin?" Riki's voice broke her focus, causing her to sigh softly and turn to face him. The exhaustion was evident in her beautiful brown eyes. Riki couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for annoying her all this time.
"What?" Rina responded, her tone slightly dry.
Riki hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Leeseo's older sister couldn't drop her here, so she's coming in Jungwon's car. It'll take them about fifteen minutes to reach. I think you should take a break until then."

"Riki we have to submit the project by─", Rina began, only to be cut off by the boy.
"You can't take all the pressure of the work upon yourself, sunshine", Riki interrupted, "Besides, Jungwon and Leeseo haven't done anything for the project yet. So...let them handle the rest?".
Rina sighed and finally gave in, "Fine, I'll take a break".
Riki smiled in victory, "Great. You want some snacks?".
"Oh, no. It's fine", Rina said.
"I heard your stomach growling silently while you were working, RinRin. You can't lie to me", Riki winked before leaving the room to get food for the both of them.

As soon as he left, Rina resisted the urge to jump on his bed and squeal into the pillow. At this point, everything Riki said or did gave her butterflies, and that made her feel so weird, in a good way though.
After a while, Riki came back with snacks in his hands, tossing Rina a bag of chips which she caught with ease, "Thanks", she said before opening the bag.

The doorbell interrupted their conversation, prompting Misora's cheerful voice to echo from outside Riki's room, "I'll get it!"
Rina couldn't help but smile at the sound of Misora's voice. To her, Misora epitomized pure-heartedness in every way.
"What's got you grinning like that?" Riki asked, noticing her expression.
"Misora," Rina replied, her smile widening. "She's just... something else, you know?"
"Yeah, you say that now," Riki remarked with no hints of amusement, "but try living with her for the rest of your life, and you might change your tune."
Rina chuckled. "Every brother says that about his sisters, Riki."

Before Riki could retort, a knock sounded on his bedroom door, and Jungwon poked his head in, followed by Leeseo.
"Hiii" Jungwon greeted with a grin, his eyes glinting mischievously.
"Sorry, we're late, there was a lot of traffic", Leeseo sighed, "You two look quite comfortable, though", she teased.

Riki arched an eyebrow at his friends' suspiciously cheerful behavior. "Alright, I know you two have something up your sleeves so Rina and I are going to go outside to escape from your shenanigans," Riki said, gently taking Rina's arm, who also seemed to sense Jungwon and Leeseo's strange behavior.
Rina grinned at Leeseo as if to say, "Enjoy working for the next two hours," before allowing Riki to lead her out of the room.

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