★ | #14 | sleep tight

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★ | #14 | sleep tight"oh, gods

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★ | #14 | sleep tight
"oh, gods. put on a goddamn shirt!"

seasons • wave to earth
"i'll give you all my life, my seasons"


It was currently 2 AM. The four of them had watched at least three or four movies back to back. The soft glow of the TV was the only light in the room as Konon and Misora were cuddled against each other on the sofa, snoring quietly. Rina had fallen asleep on Riki's shoulder, and he was the only one still awake, staring down at the girl who slept so comfortably against him.
He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, plunging the room into darkness.

Despite the late hour, Riki didn't feel sleepy at all. He was a bit too captivated by the sight of Rina sleeping on his shoulder.
He slowly extended his arm and wrapped it around Rina's waist, pulling her closer and draping a blanket over the both of them. He would be lying if he said his cheeks didn't feel warm all of a sudden.
The room was pitch black, and the only thing keeping Riki awake was the soft, rhythmic sound of Rina's breathing against his neck, sending slight shivers down his spine. His cheeks warmed even more as she nestled closer to him subconsciously.

Riki could barely make out the figures of Konon and Misora, but he could tell they were fast asleep, nestled together on the sofa. Moving with practiced care, he hooked an arm under Rina's knees and another around the small of her back, gently lifting the girl in his arms.
Rina stirred quietly, but didn't wake, her head resting softly against his chest. He carried her upstairs, each step careful to avoid any creaks that might disturb the tranquil silence.

 Once in his room, Riki gently placed her on his bed, tucking the blanket around her to keep her warm. He stood there for a moment, making sure the girl was comfortable before letting a small sigh escape his lips, "Good night, Rina", Riki whispered before settling on the small couch in the corner of his room, a light shade of pink gracing his cheeks as the butterflies turned his stomach into a moss pit.

Eventually, exhaustion overtook the boy, and he drifted off to sleep on the couch, lacking both ─ a blanket or pillow. His thoughts remained clouded, even in deep slumber.


Riki slept like a coma patient. One moment his eyes were closed, and the next, morning light was seeping through the windows. He blinked a few times, a little disorientated, before grabbing his phone to check the time ─ 8:19 A.M.
He had managed to get a rough six hours of sleep, though it felt like mere moments had passed. Despite his lingering fatigue, he had no intentions of going back to sleep.

With a slight groan, Riki swung himself off the couch, stretching his stiff limbs. His body protested slightly, muscles aching from the cramped position he had slept in.
He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Rina, who was comfortably nestled in his bed.
Her peaceful expression and the way she curled up made Riki smile with amusement, "Stole my bed now, didn't you?", he muttered to himself, his voice a raspy whisper.
The sight of Rina brought warmth to his chest, which made the sacrifice of his lovely bed worth it.

Riki moved quietly around the room, careful not to make any noise that might disturb her as he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for the day.


Several minutes later, Riki emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, his bare upper body glistening with droplets of water. The cool morning light highlighted the beads of water, making them shimmer.
As if on cue, Rina's eyes stirred open and she blinked groggily, mumbling to herself before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
 When her vision cleared, her eyes widened slightly, "Riki?!".
The boy snickered, "Morning, RinRin".
"Oh, gods", The girl covered her eyes in embarrassment, cheeks heating up slightly, "Put on a goddamn shirt!".

"Relax", Riki said, struggling to hold back laughter, "I just got out of the shower, and I'm sure you don't mind what you saw", he teased slightly.
Rina slightly peeked through her fingers before looking away as her blush deepened, "You're insufferable".
"Alright. I'm decent, RinRin", The boy chuckled, putting on a shirt.

Rina frowned slightly, removing her hands from her face, "Weren't we in the living room last night? Watching movies?", her memory was slightly fuzzy as she tried piecing together the events of last night.
"Ah, yes", Riki nodded, a smile playing on his lips, "You were clinging onto me like a koala, so I carried you to my room so you could sleep more comfortably", he chuckled.

Rina's cheeks turned redder in embarrassment before she realized something, "Wait...if I slept on your bed, where the hell did you sleep?", she asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Next to you, of course", Riki lied, biting back a grin as he watched the pink color return to her cheeks.
Rina's eyes widened slightly, almost bulging out of their sockets. It was as if her tongue was tied, she was unable to form words.

"What? You weren't letting go of me, so I just had to sleep next to you, you know?", Riki teased, his tone playful.
"I─What?", Rina was left speechless, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
The boy chuckled again, "I'm just messing with you, RinRin. Relax. I carried you up here and let you have the bed; I crashed on the couch over there", he gestured to where he had actually slept.

Rina was now perplexed, "Why...Why didn't you put me on the couch and sleep on your bed instead?".
"Because, RinRin", Riki said, walking towards her as she stood up from the bed, "I'm a good host, and I wanted you to be comfortable. I wasn't even that sleepy anyway".
"Well, thank you, Riki. I uh appreciate it", she nodded, grateful that her hair was covering how red her ears were.
Riki nodded, smiling softly as he brushed away strands of hair that were on Rina's face, "Anytime".

The soft moment between the two was soon interrupted by a knock on the door of Riki's bedroom, "Come in", he responded, anticipating the arrival of Konon or Misora.
But to his surprise, it was Sakura ─ Rina's older sister.
Noticing the proximity between Riki and Rina, she couldn't help but smile to herself, "Oh, am I interrupting a moment?", Sakura teased.
Rina shot her sister a warning glare, "No, you're not. What are you doing here?", she asked.
"Ouch, that's quite the greeting for your sister after disappearing with Riki yesterday", Sakura feigned being hurt, dramatically placing a hand on her chest, "And it's not just me. Kazuha, Chaewon, Eunchae, and Yunjin are downstairs with Konon and Misora".

"Anyways, did you two enjoy your date?", Sakura asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.
"Date?", Rina repeated, looking puzzled.
"Ahaha, yes. We enjoyed our date very much", Riki laughed, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulders and gently squeezing her arm. 
Rina was momentarily confused before remembering the phone call she and Riki had with Sakura the previous evening. Her older sister had clearly misinterpreted the situation, assuming they were on a date and Riki had played along.

"That's great to hear", Sakura smiled before turning to leave Riki's bedroom.
"So, when do you plan on telling my sister that we both weren't actually on a date?", Rina asked, crossing her arms and looking up at Riki with a small smile after Sakura was out of earshot.
"Oh, I don't know. She's your sister. Shouldn't it be up to you?", Riki asked, tilting his head slightly as a winsome grin played on his lips.
"Fair point", The girl nodded, pressing her lips together, "We should go downstairs, the others would be wondering what we're doing up here".
"Yeah, we should", Riki nodded, before walking downstairs along with Rina.


author's note !

it was so fun writing this chapter omgomg <3
spoiler for future chapters:- does anyone remember what was planned for rina and riki during the weekends?? ;))

anyways, i love you all vv much <3
also, this book recently hit 2.1k reads?! i'm actually shocked people read my books atp😭😭

── 7th june, 2024.

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