Heart of a Lion

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Author Notes: Guys, I actually made a cover! I used an AI image and had Canva do the text, and I'm frankly so proud of myself for managing to do well in making it! I really like the simplicity of the cover :]

Anyway, yes, this is very different than what I usually write! I do think Leander is an interesting character with how his flaws come out to make him seem annoying. But I also see that he can be very sympathetic. So, I wanted to try my hand at a simple fic about him! This is just a feel-good, Leander-centric one-shot, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Happy reading! :D


Leander felt his ears turn red as he heard light snickers behind his back. Ever since the new students (twins at that) played Summoner's Court with him, and beat him, he had become more of a joke than before. It was already bad when he was humiliated in the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class of the year with his duel with Sallow, and then Hecat making him helplessly hover with Levioso. But now? When two new fifth-years both beat him in the game he was actually decent at? Gryffindors were all about glory and honor, but he seemed to be lacking both despite his efforts.

"Don't listen to them," Garreth said as he walked beside Leander. He ruffled his red hair, the last bits of ash from his last failed experiment falling out. "They're all doubters."

Leander supposed Garreth would know about such talk. He eyed the slight marks of soot on his best mate's face. Garreth had been called a Fire Hazard since everyone knew his tendency to go off-book for potion brewing. He acted unbothered, but Leander knew it got to him a little, making him even more determined to succeed in his experiments.

"I'll be the laughingstock of our year," Leander bemoaned.

"Well, you will with that attitude," Garreth jokingly pointed out as they left the busy Central Hall out to the Transfiguration Courtyard.

Leander shook his head and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "No one takes me seriously."

"Hey, I take you seriously. Your Herbology plants have always been better than mine for potion brewing."

Leander stopped and incredulously looked at Garreth. "You're the one responsible for why my Shrivelfigs never seem to grow? You've been nabbing them?"

Garreth gave him a sheepish and apologetic grin. "I'm going to credit you with my improved butterbeer," he offered.

"Unbelievable," Leander grumbled, resuming their walking.

Garreth caught up to him. "Okay, I'm sorry I stole your Shrivelfigs," he said. "But you can take some of mine in return!"

Leander gave him an unamused look. He couldn't bring himself to be too mad at Garreth. They had been best mates since first year. That didn't mean he couldn't be exasperated from time to time.

Garreth sighed. "Okay, I'll just...get you some fertilizer to help your growing process."

"Thank you." Leander looked straight ahead as they kept walking. "So, how was Sharp's detention?"

"Better than anything my aunt could give me," Garreth grumbled. "I just had to scrub cauldrons without any magic."

Leander snorted to stifle a laugh. He wouldn't even like that as a punishment, but he knew that Professor Weasley was ruthless to her nephew when it came to detention.

"At least you're pursuing your passion," Leander mumbled. He stared at the tiled floor underneath them as they kept traversing through the halls. "That accounts for something."

Even though Garreth was reckless in his experiments, he at least also backed up his claim of a potions prodigy. When he actually followed Sharp's instructions, he never failed to make the best potion of the class.

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