District 12

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Coriolanus had thought of a surprise. Tigris traveled to District 12 with Ivy. They would stay there for two days. Jago was also given a warm welcome there and after his speech he would go back to District 7. He said goodbye to everyone and got on the next train home. At the train station, Tigris and Ivy were waiting for the presidential couple and Gilian. Lucy Gray was very happy, especially that they were staying for a few days. Even if she found it strange to show herself so publicly in the district again. Her fear remained because the murders had not been solved yet. Even though there was no evidence left except for Sejanus, Coriolanus and her, she was still afraid of being suspected. Sejanus was presumed dead, Coriolanus was the president, and although she was his wife, her concern still remained. After returning from the train station, Maude and Christian greeted her. Ivy jumped into her arms for joy. "It's so nice to see you again," Maude cried, almost in tears. "We have news! Christian and I are getting married!" "Oh, that's wonderful!" exclaimed Lucy Gray. "We have news too. I'm pregnant!" The two friends hugged each other jubilantly. Gilian and Coriolanus stood nearby. "Didn't you want to announce the pregnancy during the tour?" Gilian asked quietly. "At first, yes. But then I thought it was quite appropriate. Let's give it a few more weeks." "That's what I said. Good decision," she said and tried to smile, but there was sadness in her eyes. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "No...no, everything's fine," she said. He knew that Sejanus' departure had affected her very much. But he thought that after a few days things were better again. Had something more happened between the two of them? No, Gilian wouldn't do that. Maude suggested that they lead them to the inn where they would spend the next few days. The people in District 12 looked after them in surprise. It was not common for high-ranking people to stay there, especially not the President himself. The inn was known to Lucy Gray. It was an old, run-down building. The appearance of this house was deceiving, as the rooms were nice and well-kept. Tigris and Gilian would share a room and the presidential family would sleep in the other room next door. Gilian and Tigris wanted to use the afternoon to rest. Lucy Gray suggested that Coriolanus take a walk. He agreed and the family set off.

On the way through the city, they met many of Ivy's friends and they ran ahead together. Lucy Gray linked arms with him. She enjoyed walking through her homeland again. As they reached the hanging tree, her grip on his arm tightened. Even though Sejanus was still alive, it still stabbed her in the heart. The scene played in her mind's eye. He placed his hand on hers and squeezed it lightly. They moved on. "Thanks for letting us stay here," she said. "You're welcome. I thought it would be a nice idea if you saw Maude again," he said. "Would it be okay with you if we attended their wedding?" He smiled. "Yes, of course." The rest of the walk was very pleasant. It was especially nice to see that Ivy could play with her friends. After the walk they rested a bit. Maude had the idea that Lucy Gray could perform with them again. She agreed. Tigris helped with the stage outfit as best as she could with the clothes that were there. She succeeded very well. When the evening came, everyone made their way to the bar where Lucy Gray always performed with her band.

The people in the bar cheered as they came on stage. Coriolanus was hardly noticed. It was too dark in the restaurant to see him. The atmosphere was good, there was dancing and laughter. Coriolanus danced with Gilian, Tigris and Ivy. Everyone was having a good time until two peacekeepers ran onto the stage. The music stopped abruptly and people paused. "Lucy Gray Snow, you are being arrested on suspicion of murder. Please come with us," one of them said. The other immediately came up behind her and handcuffed her. "Hey!" Coriolanus called and ran forward. "What's this supposed to mean?!" The peacekeeper held him back. "Please stand back." ,,Do not touch me! Do you know who I am?!" "Yes, Mr. President. But even you can't do anything against the law. There will be investigations." With these words they led her out of the restaurant. Coriolanus quickly walked up to Gilian and violently pulled her outside by the arm. Tigris had Ivy crying in shock in her arms and followed him. They saw Lucy Gray pushed around the corner by the peacekeepers, giving Coriolanus a pleading look. People gave them curious looks. "Do something!" he shouted at Gilian. "What? The peacekeepers must have acted on orders. The investigation will take months," she said. Maude came out of the bar and asked what was going on. Coriolanus grabbed her shoulders. "You have to take me to the mayor!" She just nodded and led Coriolanus and Gilian to the town hall. Tigris brought Ivy back to the inn. She shouted vehemently that she wanted her mom back. He pushed the door to the not-so-new-looking one City hall opened. The few employees looked at him in surprise as he walked past them. "You can't just go to the president's office." "Oh, yes I can" is all he says and pushes open the massive wooden door on which mayor was written in golden letters. The mayor sat at his desk and started back from the tabletop. "What do you think of coming into my office?!" "And what do you think of having my wife arrested?!" Coriolanus hissed. "Mr. President..." the mayor began calmly, stood up and stepped in front of the table. "...It should be important to you that crimes are solved. About six years ago I lost my beloved daughter and her boyfriend. We still don't know who is responsible for this. It only stands to reason that it must have been Lucy Gray. Well, simply having her arrested in the Capitol wouldn't have been too easy, but here..." Gilian swallowed. "And what makes you think that my wife is the perpetrator?" asked Coriolanus without saying to bat an eyelash. "Well, Billy Taupe was her ex-boyfriend. Jealousy is a common motive." "And sending her to the arena as tribute wasn't enough?" The mayor gritted his teeth. "What do you expect from me now, Mr. President?" "I expect you to release her. Your accusations are far-fetched." "Our investigations will show that. Now if you would please leave my office? I have work to do." Gilian and he left the office. A maid walked towards them with a tray. Gilian had already made her way towards the exit. Something jingling fell out of the maid's pocket. She bent down, still with the tray in her hand and wanted to pick up the things. Coriolanus reached into his pocket and pulled out his mother's small powder box. He quickly opened it and poured the white powder into the teacup. The maid stood up again and went into the office of the mayor. Coriolanus wanted to leave the building when he heard the word "release from prison" at a counter. He went to the woman at the counter. ,,Excuse me. I'm supposed to get the release certificate for Lucy Gray Snow on behalf of the mayor." "Yes. Wait a minute," said one, looking for something while she continued to talk to her colleague. She stamped the sheet once and handed it to him. He thanked her. As he walked away he saw that the ladies had already signed certificates lying there. He knew that the releases cost money. And the need for these seemed to be very high here. He came out of the town hall, where Gilian was already waiting. "Where were you so long?" He held up the piece of paper. "How did you do that?" "Persuasion," he simply said, and now come with me. We have to get her out of there." He walked so fast again that Gilian could barely keep up.

The prison was known to Coriolanus from his time as a peacekeeper. It was dreary and outdated. The bars were rusted. The cells were open to the front so everyone could see the prisoners. Lucy Gray sat in her cell. Her cheek was red, as if someone had hit her. Coriolanus handed the paper to the peacekeeper. He unlocked the cell with a nod and Lucy Gray fell into his arms crying. Coriolanus glared at the Peacekeeper. That would have consequences for him. Lucy Gray was shaking all over as they made their way back. When she arrived at the inn, Ivy rushed straight into her mother's arms. ,,Let us drive. Now!" Lucy Gray shouted, trembling. Gilian quickly organized everything while the others packed. The train was ready to leave in two hours. A doctor would accompany her to the next train station to examine Lucy Gray. She was afraid that something had happened to her child. She didn't let go of Coriolanus' hand during the examination. The doctor did an ultrasound after a few minutes and said: "They're both doing well." The two looked shocked. "Yes...you are expecting twins. If you want to take a look, here's one... and here's the second." He moved the device a little further. The two of them didn't recognize anything, but the doctor would probably know what he was saying. At the next station he got out. Tigris, Ivy and Gilian were already asleep. "Twins," she breathed. The two didn't speak much more until Lucy Gray fell asleep herself. Gilian suddenly woke up. "What did you do with the mayor?" "Nothing. Just convinced," he said and grinned. Gilian didn't reply. She knew he was lying, but didn't pursue it further.

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