3. Chambers Fit For Royalty

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The jeweller looked up with brimming enjoyment glinting in his eyes, finding a treasure in his mundane day. ''It's just that there's a royal crest engraved on the inside of each bead,'' the man shared, looking between the couple that both seemed puzzled and caught off guard.

Murtasim leaned forward to hear of her specific roots. ''A crest from where?''

''The Khan Dynasty. The date says it was completed 6 months ago. The design hold symbolism, these specific flowers translate to the gift being a marriage proposal.''

Meerab stay mute for the first time and Murtasim realised that beyond parents, a man waited for her too — it affected him more than the stabwound.

They handed over the good and were told it would take two days to complete such craftsmanship. So they planned to take shelter in the city, not knowing how long the rest of the trek would take.

''So it's a fiancé, not parents. And here you were doubting me,'' Murtasim commented as they exit the store, looking at a sea of faces that remain busy in work, packing and paying for goods. Mountains of exotic spices lined the street, dazzling toys swayed in the breeze and handwoven rugs waited patiently to be sold.

''I am finding my parents. I only knew that they had me engaged to someone before adoption. His parents gifted the necklace to invite me back. My baba is dead so I thought i'd return to my blood parents and tell them that I want to back out of the marriage.''

The girl was blind, locations and figures mixed up. ''And your parents live in the lost city?'' Murtasim asked as they walked past street vendors, a calculated edge to every word.


''And your fiance is from the Khan Dynasty?''

''Yes.'' The fuchsia silk tie beneath her chin made her glow.

''And where are you going?'' He probed despite knowing her intended steps.

''South of here, where my parents reside... the lost city,'' she replied, almost irritated at his snappy questioning that made her seem simple.

''Meerab....'' he looked at her; Meerab was bandaged and yet energised enough to argue, defensive and yet ignorant of her own truth. Murtasim sighed as the news felt heavy upon him, ''This is all the Khan Dynasty, so in the South. The lost city is the capital on the center island. If you're going home to your parents, then your fiancé will be there too.''

The ideas played in Meerab's mind, conflicting realities went head to head — she had not anticipated ever meeting her fiancé. She planned to cut the talks at the roots by confronting her parents. Her tongue paused, feelings of betrayal weighting heavy despite not having been wronged. ''I've never seen a map with it described like that. I was just told home is 'South' and given a compass— taught celestial navigation.'' Meerab grappled with the truth. She rode with an exiled price and now they were in his kingdom, but he was concealed as a nobody and she away from everything familiar. That left her with no options, deciding, ''Then I will tell him myself that I will not marry.''

For some strange reason, he found himself at odds, learning that the girl was temperamental. ''And what if is he nice man?'' Murtasim dared to pose a reality sweeter than anticipated.

Meerab's chin sharpened while she clench her teeth, heartbreaking flashbacks race through her mind. ''Men, after what I saw in the dunes, are not nice.''

A part of him was offended ''Even if he promises to be gentle, kind and caring? If he wants you for a parter? Desires you?'' He quizzed, intrigue roused at her being so irrevocably numb to the idea.

''I wouldn't believe him. The wolves that attacked us broke any hope left in me,'' Meerab replied in a weaker tone, softly patting the horse that walk next her, gallantly powerful and protective.

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