A Helping Hand.

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Summary: During a mission, Leon gets a bit tied up when he runs out of ammo and is attacked by a zombie. Before the zombie can kill Leon, however, an unlikely savior decides to lend a helping hand.

There was a feeling in Leon’s stomach that just wouldn’t go away as he walked through the town he had been sent to. There had been a bioterrorism attack in a quaint little town in Georgia originating from a factory right in the middle of the town, and Leon had been the only agent available at the time of selection to go.

It seemed that the whole globe was starting to deal with bioterrorism attacks, so the DSO was extremely backed up with work. Which, in retrospect, was probably a really bad issue for the department to have, but Leon couldn’t say anything.

It was still above his pay grade.

Walking towards the factory, Leon couldn’t help but be reminded of Spain. It was so eerily quiet, and he wondered if the military had already come through to dispatch of the zombies that had been occupying the area. Frowning, Leon finally entered the factory and, in a macabre way, Leon was glad to finally spot hostiles.

Shooting them effortlessly in the head, the two zombies dropped, and Leon made his way deeper inside. On the wall was a map of the facility, and Leon grabbed it, placing his flashlight in his mouth as he looked over the map.

There were three upper floors with two lower levels beneath the ground level, and he was certain that the lower levels would be where he would find the source of the outbreak. However, it would be best to comb through the upper floors in case there was any evidence up there, so Leon slowly made his way to the upper floors of the factory.

Shooting any zombie that he came across, Leon reloaded his gun and entered an office area. There were about seven zombies in the room, but Leon could see a computer on the other side of the room with a Tricell screensaver. It was his best bet at getting information, so Leon entered the office and began to fire his gun, killing the zombies one by one as they took notice of the new meal in the room.

Suddenly, Leon’s gun began to click, and he cursed, reaching for a new mag. However, the zombie that was in front of him launched itself at him while hissing and snarling, tackling Leon to the ground. Leon’s heart began to race as he pushed the zombie away from him, struggling to get the thing off when suddenly, a chair came swinging at the zombie, smacking it so hard that it flung off of him.

When Leon looked up, he certainly wasn’t expecting to see who his savior was.

It was a woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, one of them looking faded in color. They were wearing a bloodied (color) blouse with even dirtier and bloodier jeans, a nametag clipped to the belt loop that Leon couldn’t quite read from his angle on the floor. There was a bite mark on her arm, the blood long-since coagulated, and it was apparent the woman was infected and a zombie.

But why wasn’t she attacking him?

Leon was surprised when he watched the woman make a face at the zombie that was slowly getting up from the floor before she lazily swung the chair at it again, smacking it in the head again and finally killing it.

The zombie woman was quiet before she turned to Leon, and Leon quickly grabbed his knife and scrambled backwards. The woman made a sad expression before holding her hand out, and Leon froze.

What the hell was happening?

In all of the years that Leon had worked as a DSO agent, Leon had never came across a zombie that was friendly. It was almost too much for Leon to wrap his head around. The zombie took notice of his hesitance, and the woman backed off, bring a hand up to her lips before pulling her shirt to her nose and sniffing.

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