Will We Ever Learn?

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Summary: Like a drum in your ears, your heart raced loudly within your chest as you faced Leon, if you could even claim him to be Leon anymore. The plagas in his body had matured too fast; too quickly before any of you could even do anything to thwart the growth due to the physical hell Leon had been putting himself through

Warning: Dark Content, Dubcon/Noncon, Blood, Gore, Blood and Gore, Amputation, Graphic Descriptions of Wounds, Choking, Biting, Marking, it’s dark i won’t lie

They say death is quiet and swift, but they have never witnessed the greedy hands of the lost.

When you were a little girl, you had always imagined your life to be filled with extravagancy and luxurious experiences that were fit for royalty; a queen. You imagined yourself becoming someone of importance; of competitive popularity that filled your life with the easiness that came with having endless riches and reliable connections.

You imagined yourself as a hero; saving the people and becoming an image that people could look up to someday way after your skin and muscles had deteriorated and your bones turned to dust.

You imagined yourself as being loved.

But now, as you stood before reality; before the truth, you were nothing but a hopeless believer. Sweat, blood, and dirt stained your body, a ringing distant in your bleeding ears. Your body was shaking, but you weren’t sure if it was from the exhaustion, from the pain of your wounds, or if the earth itself was rumbling angrily beneath your stubborn feet.

There was a burning in your lungs; a desperate need to breathe, but your body would not take in the oxygen willingly. A fear was gripping your mind; a desperate and distant whisper brushing against the edge of your consciousness that begged you to heed it.

“Run,” it whispered.

“Run away,” it begged.

“He cannot be saved,” it chastised.

But who would you be if you didn’t try? What kind of person would God perceive you to be if you didn’t attempt to save the one you cared for the most? What kind of hero would you be if you couldn’t even save those closest to you? A whimper came from behind you, small and nimble fingers gripping your arm tightly, and you were made painfully aware that you were not the only one in danger from the man before you.

“What do we do, (Y/n)?!”

The girl was frightened, traumatized by the sight before her, but there was nothing you could do to shield her virgin eyes from the horrors she was facing…that she had faced…that she would soon face. The girl had already seen enough for her to believe that hell was real, and it was in a little cursed village in a little cursed part in Spain.

So what did you do? What could you do to keep the lost man from hurting her?

“Run, Ashley. Run away and don’t look back.”

Ashley’s voice was a frightened plea, her hands gripping onto your arm tighter as you kept your gaze in front of you.

“What? No! He’ll kill you!”

You hissed out, raising your pistol as the man slowly stood up, red eyes beating down on your form with a horrifying excitement that had your insides squirming with a need to vomit.

“He’ll kill you as well and then this will all have been for nothing! Leon is lost. There’s nothing that we can do for him now.”

Ashley whimpered, and you grit your teeth, squeezing your eyes shut tightly before you shoved her away, yelling.

Get away, Ashley! Find Luis! That’s an order.”

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