chapter 1

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Life's weight presses heavily on Lilly's shoulders as she grapples with the daily grind of being the eldest, shouldering responsibilities far beyond her years. The shrill cry of her alarm at 5 am serves as an unwelcome reminder of the ceaseless march of time, each day blending seamlessly into the next in a monotonous cycle of survival.

In the dim light of her room, Lilly's hand instinctively reaches out to silence the offending noise, her sleep-laden mind sluggish with the weight of exhaustion. With a groan, she hurls a pillow at the alarm clock, the muffled thud of impact offering a brief reprieve from the cacophony.

Sinking back onto her bed, Lilly's gaze drifts listlessly to the blank expanse of wall before her, the emptiness mirroring the void within her soul. "Another day, same struggles," she mutters under her breath, the words heavy with resignation as she resigns herself to the relentless march of time.

Yet, even as the weight of her reality threatens to crush her spirit, a fleeting dream offers a momentary escape from the harsh realities of life. In the sanctuary of her bed, cocooned in warmth and comfort, Lilly allows herself to indulge in fantasies of a simpler existence, a world where the only company she craves is that of her beloved bed.

"Oh, how I wish I could spend eternity wrapped in your embrace," she murmurs softly to the plush pillows, a dreamy smile playing at the corners of her lips. In this fleeting moment of reverie, the burdens of life seem to melt away, replaced by a sense of serenity and peace that eludes her grasp in the waking world.

But as the dream fades and reality comes crashing back with brutal force, Lilly rouses herself from her slumber, the weight of the day's responsibilities bearing down on her once more. With a weary sigh, she drags herself to the shower, the promise of a new day offering little solace in the face of life's relentless onslaught.

Dressed and ready to face the day, Lilly embarks on her journey to school, seeking solace in the familiar confines of the library. As she gazes out the window at the world beyond, her mind drifts back to simpler times, to memories of laughter and joy that now seem like distant echoes of a bygone era.

Lost in the gentle sway of nostalgia, a single tear escapes Lilly's eye, tracing a silent path down her cheek as she grapples with the pain of loss and longing. "Why did you have to leave?" she whispers softly to the empty room, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggles to make sense of the chaos within.

But before she can dwell too long on the ghosts of the past, a familiar voice breaks through the silence, jolting her back to reality with a start. It's Ash, her ever-present companion in the battle against life's hardships, his teasing banter offering a fleeting respite from the storm raging within.

A single tear traced a silent path down Lilly's cheek, a solitary testament to the storm raging within her soul.

*Tap, tap.*

Ash's voice shattered the fragile silence, her concern palpable in the air.

Lilly flinched, startled by the sudden interruption. "Hey! 😠 How many times do I have to remind you not to scare me like that? 😤"

Ash chuckled, unable to contain her amusement. "Your face was priceless! 🤣"

Lilly shot her a playful glare. "Shut up. 😒"

Ash's laughter faded as she studied Lilly carefully. "You... You were crying?! 😳"

Lilly's facade crumbled as she shook her head. "No, why would I?"

Undeterred, Ash pressed on, her worry etched in the furrow of her brow. "Tell me what's wrong. Are you still upset about that?"

Lilly shook her head, her gaze drifting to the window as she fought to maintain her composure. "Nope, I forgot about that a long time ago."

But Ash knew better, her intuition guiding her to the heart of the matter. "Lilly?"

Lilly met her friend's gaze, her vulnerability laid bare as Ash took a seat beside her, gently grasping her hands in hers.

"Talk to me," Ash implored, her voice soft with concern. "Tell me what's been weighing on your mind, why you've been so distant lately."

Lilly hesitated, the weight of her burdens pressing down on her shoulders. "Do you know I have a physics test today? T^T"

Ash's heart ached at Lilly's deflection, but she refused to let her friend slip away into the shadows. "That's not what I meant," she insisted, her voice tinged with sadness.

Lilly offered a small smile, grateful for Ash's unwavering support. "Thank you for caring, but don't worry. I'm okay, just tired. You know how tough studying can be."

Ash rolled her eyes affectionately, her smile tinged with a hint of sadness. "//When will she open up?//," she wondered silently, her heart heavy with concern for her friend's well-being.

As they exchange playful barbs and laughter fills the air, Lilly finds herself momentarily distracted from the pain that threatens to consume her. But beneath the facade of levity lies a heart heavy with sorrow, a soul burdened by the weight of unspoken truths and unshed tears.

And so, as the day wears on and the sun begins its slow descent into the horizon, Lilly retreats to the comfort of her home, seeking solace in the simple pleasures of domesticity. Yet, even as she indulges in the familiar routine of cooking and eating, the specter of loneliness looms large, casting a shadow over her fragile peace of mind.

But just as darkness threatens to engulf her, a beacon of light emerges in the form of a message on her phone, a lifeline thrown amidst the tumult of her thoughts. It's ........, the one who got away, his presence a bittersweet reminder of a love lost but never forgotten.

As Lilly's heart races and her mind whirls with a million unspoken words, she finds herself torn between the comfort of familiarity and the allure of the unknown. "Should I take a chance on love once more?" she wonders, her heart fluttering with trepidation.

Only time will tell as Lilly grapples with the tangled web of emotions that threaten to consume her, her heart a battleground where love and fear wage an eternal struggle for supremacy. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remains clear: in the depths of her soul, Lilly longs for nothing more than to find solace in the arms of the one who holds the key to her heart..

Zaron:- Hey..!



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