Past 2014(introduction)

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Hi!  I am a new story writer. It's gonna be a tricky watt pad story but i hope yiu guys will like it at the end. Thanks. Let's start the introduction...
Taehyung Adverse(the big son of the family who is now the only earning member of his family) {also as their titles are not the same so i changed it}
Jimin Adverse(the middle child of the family... A messy one,mostly fuck boy... Only fears his big brother)
Junkook Adverse (A very polite boy, obeyes his mom and grandma always, trying to get the medical degree)
Yoo jang Adverse (younger sister of taehyung but older than these two, very weird always gets what she wants,currently in love with the Principles son)
Y/n 1: lives in Korea the University’s principles only daughter,very naughty, dumb, currently in a relation with jimin
Y/n2:lived in India currently lives in Korea a strong, arrogant women who only cares for her to none
Y/n3: Bangladeshi but also lives in Korea.... Roommate of Yn/2 and very brilliant and polite one..but doesn't give a fuck to none
(These girls are best friend...they read in the same uni since to college they have a perfect match.... They read in the biggest University in south Korea)
Taehyung is the professor of Theta university since his father died he had to take all the responsibilities but a ver cold, angry proffessor although he has a girl friend who is also a bi*** but situation git him into this Asia after the dead of his father)
(Junkook and Jimin also reads in the same uni but jimin never passes in his brothers subject but uses y/n to pass other subjects.... As all teacher pumps y/n but not taehyung that's why the principle [y/n's father]loves him so much as he can only handle her)
I'm Yoon ha: taehyung's current girlfriend also the professor..... Doesn't like y/n 1,2,3 at all because they are beautiful as her.... A psycho lover of taehyung... They are in relation for 11 years now.... Although sometimes now she looses interest in him but still wants him)
(Taehyung is in relation with her just because of her father after the death of his father he had no no incom e then toon Hans father took care of them.... Before dying he wanted yoon ha to be in the adverse family and Tate's mom promised him that she will be the member of tge family though taehyung's grandma and Jun kook doesn't like her still they care about her)
Finish the introduction part Let's hop into the main story🙃

 Before dying he wanted yoon ha to be in the adverse family and Tate's mom promised him that she will be the member of tge family though taehyung's grandma and Jun kook doesn't like her still they care about her)Finish the introduction part Let's ...

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Past 2014Where stories live. Discover now