Is he falling in love?😳(⚠️gonna be smurt version)

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It's been 3 months since tae and yoon ha broke up
Tae is feeling better now wether he could never resist himself to talk to yoon ha..... Now tae is enjoying the company of y/n. On y/ns birthday tae promised y/n to be her best friend
They are keeping Their As a friend now.....
Y/n is funny.... She makes tae laugh a lot
Tae realised he didn't laugh like this for a long time
Jk is also happy to see them....
But tae's mom.... She is still pissed and thinks that y/n does magic on him
On a rainy night......
Tae:It's been raining so hard so today....
Y/n:yeah so what *studying because tommorrow is gonna be her 3rd semester exam*
Tae:It's enjoyable *looking though the window
Y/n follows him Through the window:yeah but i can't enjoy it
Tae:what's tuberculosis shortly
Y/n:It's a disease caused by a bacteria
Tae:enough reading then Let's go to the rooftop
Y/n:you don't like to drench do you?
Tae:i do like it....It's just the situation needs to be cool
Y/n:what if i catch cold?
Tae:ouu what if i cancel the exam tommorrow 😁
Y/n:funny but....*grabs her hand and runs to the rooftop*
Y/n:sir!it will be your responsibility then...
Tae: shut up and enjoy it pabo!😌
Y/n was so enjoying to feel the rain so was tae
Tae was so happy to see her like this
They were jumping together....
As It was time for bed y/n was wearing this.....

At first tae didn't notice but as she wasn’t wearing anything underneath every thing was exposed😁
Tae was starring at those big jucy pink  dancing boobies
Tae was feeling so nervous yet he was sweating with rain drops
Y/n:sir thank you.this is the best day in my life... Aren't you enjoying?
Tae:y-eah y-e-a-h so much fun.
*taehyung was enough shocked to see his tension for y/n because yoon ha tried to seduce him many times
But he was always a strong man
Tae in mind:oh god! Am i fall in love with her.we just turned into enemies to friends and today is this happening....
Y/n was totally enjoying the moment
Tae in mind:fuck it..... Above everything i am her husband and now i can't control myself
Suddenly tae pulled y/n so close to her
Their noses were touching each other
Y/n closed her eyes so did taehyung..... Taehyung started to stroke her hair at first then his big veiny hands moved towards her lewed body...... Rain drops were still visible to her boobs
Taehyung made a circle around her boobs.... Y/n was somehow enjoying 😳so she wasn’t stopping him today or..... Who knows😁
Ymn slightly moaned
Okay.....hearing this tae lost his total control and leaned to kiss her
Y/n :s-ir! We are just friends....
Tae:are we?*didn’t' let y/n finish her word started kissing passionately..... His kisses were so intense as he was also creasing her whole body.... Not very long time but y/n was also giving his kisses back too😁
In the rain they were making out fir constantly 37 minutes
Tae suddenly leaves her and took a deep breath so did y/n
Their lips made a string of their saliva
Tae:what! It's not any strangers saliva It's my precious saliva. Everyone wants to get it..
Y/n:true but not me🙄
Tae pulls her again closer :what did you say?
Y/n:so-rry sir
Tae:can we.... Do it?😏
Y/n:now?i mean tommorrow is my exam😳
Tae:so you did understand what i mean? Baby girl ready to scream daddy *whispers to her ear*
Tae:oops sorry!i am trying my best to control myself but failing in many ways sorry, sorry!* runs to his room*
Y/n: *felt her heartbeat fast*
She also goes to her room
But tae Didn't come to The room that night
Tae:good morning! Clingy head
Y/n:where were you last night?
Tae:Let's forget what happened last night.i don't wanna ruin my friendship like this 😅
Y/n:*was feeling bad for it*oou
Tae mom:Taehyung! Y/n!come here
They both look at each other and went to the downstairs
It was taes disguisting aunt*mainly she took everything from taes mother after his fathers death very cleverly but recently tae is gonna get the best teacher award so now she got jealous and comes to make a mess in their house
Grandma:why did you come?
Aunt:mom!our best teacher had his marriage and i can't see his wife?
Tae:no you can't.who are you to interfere here?
Y/n:stop! Hey Aunt
Aunt:what a beautiful showpiece you got Judy(taes mom)
Judy:She's not showpiece
Y/n:i am an educated strong independent women who will be one day a big doc
Tae:*prouds to hear that*
Aunt:you definitely fall for his face right?I mean look mom tae is already 35.... And you know nowadays couple gets their baby at their first aaniversery
Tae:what do you mean?
Aunt:tae don't forget the what doctors said of the percentage of becoming a dad?can he actually satisfy you....
Judy:you better stop have crossed your limits🤬
Aunt:did i say anything wrong
Tae remembers something and went straight to his room
Y/n also follows him :sir! Sir! Talk to me*shakes him*
Y/n:we know that we didn't do anything wrong... So whatever she says it doesn't matter... And what is more we are not ready right!
Tae:but what she says can be true.....*sobs*
Y/n:oh sir! Oh shit*sees  clock *we will talk about it after coming back okay?and don't forget we are going to date today okay?
Tae:sobs and nods
......after the exam.......
Tae in his phone :

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