What's In A Smile?

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Oh Sehun just wants to catch another glimpse of his host.

It all began one day with his stupid best friend Jongin suggesting that they go on a trip to Jeju Island. They had just graduated from high school and were in the midst of preparing for their entrance exam but a brief moment of hesitance had Sehun agreeing to Jonginâs idea of escaping to Jeju for a week.

Since the two of them are jobless high school students that cannot afford to stay in the pricey Haevichi Hotel & Resort, they ventured into the next best plan: AirBNB.

Sehun thinks the pictures look quite promising. Soft yellow lighting, cosy beanbags, pastel coloured walls... the only sore point he has are the flowery bedsheets. They are just so... girly. Maybe it is a good thing he does not have any plans to hook up with a Jeju native (or god forbid, Jongin) because those bedsheets will definitely kill his libido.

Their first steps to freedom happen on a cold Friday morning. After two hours of getting themselves tricked by some Jeju boys their age and subsequently, getting lost, Jongin and Sehun finally find themselves at the ground floor of the apartment they are going to be staying at.

âThe neighbourhood looks safe at least,â Jongin says optimistically, bending down to search for the house key the host had hidden underneath a Welcome Home mat. Sehun merely hums under his breath, already judging what kind of a dumb person their host is for leaving the key in such an obvious area.

He cautiously enters the apartment behind Jongin, messily kicking off his sneakers and dumping his backpack on the ground when a whiff of freshly baked cookies floats to his nose.

âWoah. He made us cookies!â

Sehun makes sure Jongin isnât about to die from consuming the cookies before he tentatively picks one up to eat because his life is precious and Jongin is unofficially his food taster. His mouth freezes in mid-bite.

âThish ish gewd,â he sputters in surprise, snatching the entire plate of cookies from a whiny Jongin and hurrying away before the other can take it back. Sehun trudges down the hallway before arriving at a room with creamy peach-coloured walls.

âMy room!â he declares, and flops down on the bed, messily spilling cookie crumbs all over it on purpose so Jongin will give him that look of disgust and leave him alone. Totally not Sehunâs fault he likes peach walls better than that green one.

It also doesnât hurt that this bedroom happens to come with a bathroom. 

Sehun does not realise how evil the flowery bedsheets are until he falls asleep for most of the morning. Aish. The bedsheets must have held him hostage. He stifles a yawn and crawls out of bed, when he hears a quiet ripping sound and looks down to see a piece of paper with Jonginâs illegible handwriting under his foot.

You pig. Iâm going sightseeing. Call me when you wake up.

How ironic that Constantly Sleepy Jongin is actually the one forgoing sleep to walk around the island.

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