IX. ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ꜱᴏɴ

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   The crunch of dirt beneath Y/n's boots echoed in the quiet countryside as he approached the modest farmhouse where his family resided. The wooden fences enclosing the yard were weathered by time since Farquaad ordered the Knights to make them.
   They still stood strong, guarding the small plot of land where their animals roamed. A goat's bleat greeted him as he unlatched the gate, swinging it open with a creak before stepping through and securing it behind him. 

   The familiar sights and sounds of the farm surrounded him, offering a sense of peace in the turmoil that churned within his mind. Following the dirt path that led to the front porch, Y/n's footsteps were steady and purposeful.
   He pushed open the worn wooden door and stepped into the cozy warmth of the farmhouse. The smell of home-cooked meals and the soft hum of a voice drifted from the kitchen, mingling with the distant sounds of livestock in the backyard.

   He entered the kitchen, there he saw Georgina standing at the counter, her hands deftly slicing carrots with practiced precision. Her hair, streaked with strands of silver, cascaded over her shoulders in gentle waves.
   Despite the passage of time, her beauty remained untouched, a sign to the resilience and strength that she embodied.

   "Mother," Y/n's voice broke the quiet rhythm of the kitchen, causing Georgina to startle slightly, her hand pausing mid-slice. She turned slowly, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as she met her son's gaze.
   There was a wariness there, a guardedness that hadn't been present before he had joined Farquaad's ranks. For a moment, she hesitated, torn between the instinct to smile and the impulse to retreat into silence. 

   The weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air between them, a tension that seemed to grow with each passing second. With a resigned sigh, Georgina turned back to her task, the scrape of the knife against the cutting board filling the space between them.
   Y/n's gaze remained, feeling the familiar ache settling in his chest as he observed her distant demeanor. Silently, he moved to hang his sheathed sword on the hook mounted on the wall, the metal clinking softly against the rough surface.

   The backdoor creaked open, flooding the kitchen with a swath of golden afternoon light as Sasha and Klaus stepped inside. Sasha's laughter filled the room, a melodic sound that echoed off the walls, while Klaus trailed behind her with a mischievous grin tugging at his lips.
   "Y/n, you're back!" Sasha's voice carried across the room, brimming with warmth as she hurried over to him, her footsteps quick and eager. She enveloped him in a tight embrace, her arms wrapping around him with a familiarity that spoke of countless shared moments. 

   Y/n returned the hug, feeling the comforting weight of her presence against him, even through the unforgiving metal of his armor. "I always return, Sash," Y/n murmured, his voice soft as he pressed a small kiss to the crown of her brown hair, the familiar scent of home washing over him.
   Klaus, ever the jester, chimed in with a teasing grin, his brown eyes dancing with mischief. "So, what did Mr. Short Lord say today? Any exciting decrees or dire warnings about impending doom?" Y/n chuckled, shaking his head at Klaus's antics. 

   "Nothing too dire, thankfully. Just the usual bureaucratic nonsense." His gaze flickered to Sasha's hazel eyes, a silent reassurance passing between them. "Have you seen Isidor-?" He caught himself mid-sentence, a twinge of guilt washing over him as he still stumbled over Isidore's new name for everyone's safety.
   "Have you seen Roland anywhere?" He asked. Klaus's eyebrows shot up in curiosity, while Sasha's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, what is it?" Klaus pressed eagerly, leaning in as if expecting a thrilling tale.

   "Tell us!" Sasha chimed in, her hands landing on Y/n's shoulders as she shook him playfully from behind. Y/n chuckled softly at their enthusiasm, but his expression soon turned serious.
"I need to tell Roland first," he explained. "Then he'll fill you in on the details."
   Klaus and Sasha exchanged a disappointed glance, their curiosity piqued yet unfulfilled. "Fine," Klaus huffed with irritation, though a playful glint remained in his eyes. "But you better have something good to tell us later."

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