Chapter 104 - 105

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Chapter 104

Tang Ming touched his mobile phone.

Then I calculated the time, and it was probably about two or three months.

The global magnetic field should begin to change.

Since that time, mobile phone communication and many networks, as long as they require signals to use, are all inoperable. Mobile phones cannot be contacted or connected to the Internet, and computers cannot be connected to the Internet. They can only be plugged in and stand alone.

In the end, even electricity couldn't be transmitted, so everyone could only burn firewood and light candles...

yes, candles!

How could he forget this thing?

When there is no electricity available, you will have to light candles. Although burning firewood is also good, you can't burn firewood in the room, right?


Tang Ming doesn't think candles are actually necessary.

In fact, if they mutate later, their eyes will also change, and they will be able to see more clearly at night.

Night vision will also become much stronger.

So for them there is no need for candles at night.

Qian Duobei and Lin Anxiao may need it. Lin Anxiao eats a big bowl every day, and Qian Duobei eats a little.

However, both of them showed no signs of successfully ingesting the purple bacteria, which made him distressed. Why is it so difficult?

So how did he and Tang Tianlan successfully absorb it in the first place?

This is really strange.

Tang Ming thought about it for a long time but didn't think of the reason, so he simply stopped thinking about it and even threw the candle thing aside.

Start paying attention to what’s happening outside recently.

Because of this livestock surge, many people are hiding at home and do not dare to go out, not even going to work.

But later it was discovered that they all seemed to be eating leaves and plants, so although everyone was scared at first, after discovering that they were all vegetarian, they all became bolder and followed them.

Or you can choose a high location in advance to shoot videos.

Therefore, soon the Internet and TV reports were flooded with videos like this.

Of course, there are also bloody battles between cats and dogs in a few cities.

It's just because some of them are too bloody that they haven't been shown on TV, but you can watch them on the computer.

No matter whether the cat or the dog wins, they will eat the other's body, leaving no skin or bones left.

Therefore, many cat and dog owners are hurting each other, and some even go to court. Not to mention, the courts have been very busy recently, all because of lawsuits involving cats and dogs.

Qian Duobei sat in front of the computer at night and watched the videos on the computer.

Tang Ming brought him a glass of red tomato juice with a lot of crushed bones in it. The taste was very bland and almost inedible.

Qian Duobei picked up the tomato juice and drank it all in one gulp. He didn't feel anything at all.

"Too little Mingzi, I didn't taste it at all! Could it be..."

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