02 - Waking up

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Sleepless nights were something Sunday was used to. Endless hours of working, trying to save the Dreamscape from destroying itself. And even on the great occasion when he actually fell asleep, he would dream. . He would dream of saving the Dreamscape. He would dream of no longer have to take requests from others. He would dream of being the most respected Family member. He would dream of a power, that could grant him anything he'd wish for. He would dream of a star. A star that would fall down from the heaven just for him. To make him almighty. He thought that those were just children tales, he wouldn't even consider them legends.
Sunday was a control freak. He loved everything to be in his way, but thinking like that was rather...tiring. Nonetheless that was the only way of his doing.

Meanwhile, in the VIP room someone was waking up. The girl opening her glowing e/c eyes, shimmering when they made contact with the artificial source of light in the room. Confused, she sat up on the bed noticing the unknown clothing she was dressed in. No memory of her getting into the dress came up in her mind. She crumpled the glittery fabric of the dress in her fingers. It was a fine light material, she could tell that the owner was someone rich. In this situation a normal person would probably panic, but she didn't. She was calm. Well, she wasn't even a normal person. Maybe she wasn't a person at all. Her mind was completely blank so she just waited until something would happen.

"You're awake!" an unknown feminine voice rang in the girl's ears. Turning her head, the girl sitting on the bed saw another girl. Small white wings flapping from behind her ears, long baby blue locks of hair making her emerald eyes stand out. Under her left eye she had three colorful gems decorating her face. Her white - violet dress and the halo floating over her head made her look even more angelic. The sitting girl realized, that the dress she was wearing was similar to the blue haired girl. She looked like an angel but also like a popstar at the same time. But the h/c haired girl had no idea who she was anyway.

"Who are you?" she asked. The blue haired girl looked at her with puzzled face. It wasn't every day when someone asked a cosmic popular popstar who she was. The blue haired girl chuckled and also was surprised that the h/c haired girl didn't question how she got into the dress.
"I'm Robin. What is your name?"
The h/c haired girl paused. Who was she? No name came up in her mind.
"I'm not sure if I have one," she said.
Robin looked even more confused but then an idea popped from her mind. This girl probably had amnesia!
"Do you happen to remember anything at all? Maybe how you got into this hotel?"
"Then do you maybe remember if you have any siblings? For example I would always remember my brother Sunday!"
"No I don't think I have any siblings."

Robin sighed. This girl had her mind completely wiped out. Robin had no idea how to handle the situation at all, so she decided to call her brother. He always knew what to do.
"Okay, that's one unusual situation. Please stay here, um- sorry I don't know how to call you. Please just stay here I'll get help!" Robin told the h/c-nette with worry and went to fetch her brother.

Sunday was just reading another legend and frowned. He read so many books and tales that his head was about to explode if he had to read any more.
"Ugh, this legend is also useless. I really don't need to read that the luxæns are divine beings. As if I didn't know that before!"
All the legends had the same pattern. A star no longer being worth to be in the heaven, blah, falls down near a civilization, blah, they look amazingly beautiful, blah, can grant you a wish, blah. It was getting repetitive.
Sitting on his comfortable padded chair, he shut the legends book laying on his table with annoyance. He learned nothing new. It was getting harder and harder to keep calm while searching for something that was told to be just a legend or not exist at all. What if that weird girl was a sky child?
Could she grant him a wish?

"Brother!" The door opened, revealing his one and only sister.
Sunday forced a smile on his face hoping his sister won't see through his facade of good brother.
"Any news sister?" he asked.
"She woke up! And she doesn't remember how she got in the hotel! And she doesn't even remember her name!" Robin began to recount what had happened. Sunday's eyes widened. Legends said that the sky children do not remember their past nor their name when they fall from the heaven. It made so much sense if the girl was a luxæn. He had the urge to run and see her right now, but he needed to keep his
demeanor calm and collected.

"That's rather... unexpected. I think I shall go and see her," he simply said to his sister and got up from his chair.
"As much as I would like to assist you Sunday, I have to go practice for my new album. Good luck with the girl," Robin said and honestly, Sunday was more than happy that his sister wouldn't come with him, because he could do anything with the girl.
"Of course, good luck with the practice. And make sure you don't strain your vocal cords," he wished his sister good luck like the great brother he was.
"Thank you," Robin thanked him and walked from his office. Sunday's heart was beating fast from excitement. He couldn't wait to see if the girl is really what he was looking for.

The clock on the wall ticked as if it had been an eternity since anyone had last came to visit her. The girl wondered who was the Sunday Robin was talking about.  However, she had an inkling that she would meet him soon. Spending the time she was given, she looked at her hands. They seemed normal, but sometimes she felt a burning sensation from them. It was a bit painful, but she didn't fret. She felt no emotion at all and felt like it was normal. It actually was normal when she used to be a floating mass of hotness in the black void.
A man with a large halo, larger than Robin's, flying above his head stepped into the room.  The sitting girl knew immediately that it was Sunday. The similarity between him and Robin was uncanny. Both had blue hair and had the same face structure, but opposite gender. The wings flapping from behind his ears were much smaller compared to Robin's. Even after all that observation, the girl couldn't tell whether his intention was good or bad. She lacked the emotional intelligence to do that. Also he hadn't talked to her yet.
"I see that you have woken up. That's good," he said, slowly walking towards her. "Is it true that you do not remember your name?" he firmly asked. The way his voice said that words would send chills down the spine to a normal person. His tone was glacious.

Seeing no reaction from the girl, he decided to change his cold behavior to a warm one. Maybe it would be easier to manipulate her in the future if he was seen as a good person.

"My name is Sunday. I want to help you remember your past, but I think it would be difficult if I do not know how to address you. Is it okay if I pick a name for you?" he made an eye contact with his golden eyes with her e/c ones and tried to ignore the tickling in his stomach. Somehow he felt drawn towards the girl. She looked even more mesmerizing when she was awake. The dress that Robin picked for her complimented her like a bee with a flower. Bees were also very rare in the universe, residing only in the planet Earth. Earth was one in infinity and the girl was also one in infinity. The girl didn't find any reason why not.

Her voice was ethereal. She said only one word but Sunday felt like he was on a cloud nine. He tried to swallow his wildly pounding heart. Something like this has never happened to him before. What was this feeling? She wanted him to give her a name.  But is there even a name that would suit her divine beauty?
She expectedly looked at him with her magnetic gaze.

"I will call you..." Sunday was still not completely decide with the name he would give her. But then he remembered one name that stood up amongst all.


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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now