8. As the slut you are

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Hey everyone! i just wanna say there is some heavy smut in this chapter so be mentally prepared ;) Also, i never wrote smut before so don't expect it to be legendary super good! That's all. Hope you enjoy! <3


Saturday 11:45 PM

I haven't stopped thinking about my situation with Riddle and Pansy. It was so fucking awkward. Currently i was reading in my book until i heard a knock on my door. I sighed and walked over to the door. Pansy was not here tonight. She was sleeping over at Theo's dorm. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes "it's fucking midnig-" 

i stopped talking as soon as i saw Mattheo, leaning against the doorway. I couldn't even say anything before he pushed me against the wall and brought his mouth to my ear, close enough to whisper. "i want you Rosalia. no, i fucking need you. I need you so bad. So fucking bad". 

His words send shivers down my spine and the butterflies in my stomach we're going crazy. His low sleepy voice spoke next to my ear again 

"i told you we we're not finished yet" he smirked. "are you drunk or someth-" i couldnt even finish my sentence before he buried his face into my neck, gently planting kisses on it.

 I threw my head back and gasped as he went down and planted kisses down my collarbone. "finally" he said through kisses. He started to go back up and kiss and bite my neck roughly, causing me to slightly moan. "you don't know how long i have been waiting to do this" he says while taking his shirt off. 

After he took his shirt off i crashed my lips on his. 

Finally, for the first time i was feeling his soft lips. i gripped the points of his hair and played with it while i explored his mouth with my tongue, making circles around his. He grabbed the end of my shirt and took it off, not breaking the kiss. 

i was not tall enough to reach him so i stood there on my tiptoes. Both in only underwear he picked me up and placed me on my desk, not taking his lips off mine. 

I could barely talk "i want your fingers inside of me, Riddle" I muttered, breaking the kiss and looking into his deep brown eyes. "Patience love, patience" he crashed his lips back on mine and i gripped on his hair.  i leaned my head back out of pleasure as he started kissing and sucking down my neck, to my chest. reaching my breasts, he took my bra off and threw it away which made me gasp. 

He kissed my one boob and squeezed the other one which caused me to moan multiple times. His other hand went down to right above my underwear. he got down more and started rubbing up and down my clothed clit. As the tension was getting too high he placed me down on my bed, me totally out of breath. he took off my underwear, propelling the wings of the butterflies in my stomach. 

Without any warning he slipped his fingers inside of me. "Mattheo-" i moaned. "quiet." he commanded. As he stared at my soaking wet cunt his voice cracks. "Rosalia, your fucking dripping wet through the damn sheets-" Mattheo said, almost sounding annoyed. "Slut" he muttered while pushing his fingers in and out of my wet pussy. Mattheo's annoyance turns me on even more though.

"Pick up the pace Riddle-". Mattheo looked up at me while stabbing his long fingers into my dripping cunt, making a fucking mess. "fuck off" he mumbles as he explores every inch of me. My moans become harder with every movement he makes inside of me. How faster he goes, how faster i feel myself coming to my first orgasm of the night. I was just embarrasing to cum so quickly, so i tried to hold it back. 

"Your so fucking wet already- as the fucking slut you are".

He started going even faster, my swollen cunt, taking everything. i lean back, soaring to the heights of my orgasm already. "ahh mierda (Spanish for: shit) Rosalia, are you going to cum so fast?" he said annoyed, while looking at me cumming all over his hand. "look at what you've done" as he talked i was slowly brought back to earth looking around at my soaked bed that was all messed up by my own wetness. 

"i have a better idea, you gonna do that on my cock, and fucking take everything. And i don't want you to cum until i say it." without a warning he pinned me down the bed and got on top of me and immediately forced his 11,5 inches inside of me.

"Fuck Rosalia, why are you so thight-" he mumbled against my neck. "Why are you so big-" i muttered, trying to hold back my tears as he roughly pushed further and further.

 As i move my hips with mattheo's rythme i already can't take it anymore,  tears of pain and pleasure rolling down my cheek. "Mattheo i cant-" he completely cuts me off and puts his finger on my mouth while pushing more and more inside of my aching cunt "quiet. You can and you will."

Mattheo brings his mouth to the nipple of my left boob, his hips quickening the pace a little up while he sucked my nipple and his teeth sink on it. I felt myself coming to my next orgasm of the night 

"Matt i'm gonna cum-" he grabbed my right boob and start squeezing it. He brought his face to mine "you cum when i say you can." he pushed his tongue into my mouth and started explore every part of it while he also explored every sensitive part of my swollen pussy. "that's right, take it, take it all like the slut you are" he hissed in between kisses. "atta girl" he groaned. "Maldita sea, cariño (Spanish for: fucking hell darling)" "fuckkk Rosalia..." 

I was so happy when i heard his next words...

"cum" he groaned, still not breaking the kiss. 

He broke the kiss as he felt my warm liquid exploding around his cock. "That's it baby, cum around my cock".

He looked down "your so pretty cumming on my dick". 

He fell down next to me on my bed, his breath still uneven. "good girl" he said, totally exhausted. I wasn't even able to speak and just looked at him. His hair was messy as fuck as he looked over to me. "i think it's the best you take a contraception potion tomorrow. I'll bring you one tomorrow, i hope you are going to be able to walk" he sighed...


This was the first time writing smut so i hope it's kind of okay

Also i got some inspiration from different stories but i'm not going to give credits because that's too much to write. But ABSOLUTELY credits to the people i got my inspo from!!!!!

I hoped you liked it!

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