Chapter 4

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Sarah looked at herself in the mirror. She had a black and white dress on. She was told to dress up when meeting the investor, Walter. So, she put this on and did her hair and make-up. She left her hair straight and down. For her make-up she went with natural colors. 

Putting her brace on before her socks and shoes, Sarah made her way to the hotel where she was going to meet the investor. When she arrived, she went to the main office to check in on her aunt and uncle. Her aunt looked over and gave her an annoyed looking once over.

Her aunt walked over, grabbed Sarah by the arm and dragged her away for a moment to talk. "Don't you fuck this up for us. This is a big deal, and we don't need you screwing it up. This is your only chance to do something good for the family and get in our good graces." Her aunt sneered at Sarah.

Sarah winced at the tight grip her aunt had. She wanted to say that the woman wasn't her real aunt. She had only been married to her uncle for three years, and that she doesn't have a say in what the family did. That she did nothing to help the family either except take money out of the register and Sarah's tip jar to help her live the rich life she wanted.

But Sarah didn't want to be hit again. So, she just nodded, hoping the nails digging into her arm would release her. Which they soon did. "Fucking retarded cripple." She mumbled but when her uncle got off the phone and looked over, her aunt smiled and hugged Sarah. 

"You're going to do great!" She said hugging Sarah.

Sarah knew that Aunt Larisa was such a fake bitch, but she wouldn't tell her uncle. He loved Larisa, but the woman hated Sarah, she just didn't know why.

"He has arrived. Are you ready Sarah dear?" Uncle Keith asked walking over. Sarah nodded and gave a soft smile. "Is the dress new? It's very nice." He complimented. Sarah looked at the dress she had on and shook her head no. 

"No, I've had this about two years." She told him. "I wore it for mom and dad's anniversary dinner with the family." She continued. Keith looked a bit awkward, so she gave him a better smile. "But thank you. I like this dress. It's even better as it has pockets." She told him. He smiled and nodded.

"Let's go greet our new friend, shall we?" Keith asked. He kissed his wife's head and then lead Sarah away. They walked out to the main lobby where guests were, and a man was waiting as he looked around.

"Mr. DeVille! Welcome!" Keith greeted. Sarah really focused on not limping, she wanted to give the best first impression. She was honestly ashamed of everything wrong with her. She hated that she had this deformity. But there wasn't anything she could do about it.

The man in front of her was taller than she was at 5'1". He had to be close to six foot if he wasn't exactly that height. He had hair as dark as night, and when he turned to look at her, Sarah saw he had the prettiest and brightest blue eyes.

Her green ones clashed with his, and she felt herself getting lost in them. 

"This is my niece, Sarah. She will be the one who will be showing you around here and the other hotel." Keith introduced her, taking Sarah out of her thoughts. Sarah smiled and held out her hand. "Hello Mr. DeVille. My name is Sarah, and I will be... oh wait..." She realized she was about to tell him exactly what her uncle just said.

She turned bright red in embarrassment. 

Walter couldn't help but smile in amusement. "Hello Sarah. It's a pleasure to meet you." He took her hand in his. They locked eyes once more as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Please um... Please let me know if there is anything you wish to know at all." She told him, freeing her hand from his. "I am in your hands dear. I will talk to you later Keith." Walter told them, but his piercing eyes stayed on Sarah.

Making her feel really shy and look away.

"Shall we begin?" She asked him.

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