Chapter 1 - Professor

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Ryan dutifully began taking down notes as his history professor began lamenting about the Great Carnivore and Herbivore World War.

He begins gesticulating as he continues speaking, "Thus, began the Great War. Now, here's a question: Could the Great War have been avoided?" He pauses and Ryan does his best to avoid his scrutinizing eyes. Ryan hunkers down, making himself seem as small as possible (which wasn't too hard with your small human appearance) and making sure his mask is up.

It's always up whenever Ryan's out. It has to be (Ryan's learned what happens when he doesn't wear his mask, and he'll never make that mistake again).

Ryan's professor hums as he walks back and forth, almost predator-like; as if he's stalking his prey, which is ridiculous he's a gazelle! "No one? Well, I'll play devil's advocate and say that the Great War could never be avoided due to the natural order of things." He saunters back to his podium and leans on it.
"Philosophers have stated that only the strong will survive while the weak will perish, thus herbivores have always been fated to be seen as food." He pauses, eyes scanning the room "It truly is a cruel world we live in,"
he says, eyes crinkled into crescent moons and head tilted to the side.
Looking oddly positive for such a dark topic.
Ryan watches as he reaches over and grabs a book and then proceeds to raise said book and shake it. "With that ends our lecture for today. Read up pages 126 to 140 because that's what our next topic will be and the subject for your next essay. Have a good day."
With his closure Ryan jots down the assignment and begins stuffing everything back into his side-bag.
As Ryan rose to leave he begin to notice the lack of people.

It's just him and his professor.

How awkward.

Ryan starts walking towards the exit, giving a brief nod to his professor as he's watching Ryan from his podium with his head cradled in his hands.

It isn't until Ryan's back is turned does he say something. "Be safe Ryan-san. There are dangers around every corner."

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing with a flurry of questions. What did the professor mean by that? And why did it sound more like a warning than a casual farewell? Ignoring the knot of anxiety tightening in his chest, Ryan forced a strained smile and replied, "You as well, Professor Melon."

With a brisk nod, Ryan hurried out of the classroom, his steps quickening with each passing moment. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that he was being watched by unseen eyes lurking in the shadows.

Outside, the air was thick with tension, and Ryan's pulse quickened as he walked briskly through the deserted corridors. Every sound seemed amplified, every shadow alive with sinister intent. He chided himself for his paranoia, for letting his imagination run wild.
Ryan finally made it back to his small apartment, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of his world. With a heavy sigh, he kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto the worn-out couch, his muscles protesting the long day of classes and the sprint through the corridors.

As he flicked on the kettle, the comforting hum of the appliance filled the silence, a soothing background noise to accompany his thoughts. Ryan's gaze drifted to the picture frame sitting on the mantel-a snapshot frozen in time, capturing a moment of happiness with his father. His heart ached at the sight, the memories flooding back with bittersweet clarity.

Gently, he reached out and traced the outline of his father's face, a silent gesture of longing and love. "I'm studying hard, Dad," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But my professor is weird. I mean, I've already told you about me being in a humanoid animal world, but my professor is called Melon. Such a stupid name. And he's a gazelle, but he's always wearing a mask like me. I wonder what's underneath it."

The unanswered questions lingered in the air, a mystery waiting to be unraveled. But for now, Ryan pushed them aside, focusing instead on the mundane task of making himself dinner. He rummaged through the cabinets until he found a pot noodle, a quick and easy meal to soothe his growling stomach.

As he waited for the water to boil, Ryan's thoughts drifted to the events of the day-the lecture, the ominous warning from Professor Melon, the sense of unease that seemed to follow him like a shadow. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that there was more to his professor than met the eye.

With a shrug, he dismissed the thoughts as paranoia, chalking it up to stress and fatigue. After all, it was just a pencil missing from his bag, a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. He pushed the nagging doubts to the back of his mind, determined to focus on the present moment.

As the kettle whistled its shrill cry, Ryan poured the steaming water over his noodles, relishing the warmth that seeped into his bones. He settled onto the couch, a bowl of comfort food in hand, and allowed himself to relax, if only for a fleeting moment.

Ryan finished his meal and cleaned up the kitchen, his mind already drifting towards the comfort of his bed. Tomorrow was another day, another opportunity to tackle whatever challenges came his way. With a yawn, he flicked off the lights and made his way to his bedroom, the warmth of sleep beckoning him into its embrace.

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