Chapter 4 - Bloody Writing

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The halls of the school buzzed with activity as Ryan made his way to his next class, his backpack slung over his shoulder and a sense of unease gnawing at his insides. Ever since his encounter with Professor Melon at the skatepark, things had felt off, as if a dark cloud hung over him, casting a shadow on his every move.

As he entered the classroom, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the sensation of eyes boring into him from across the room. Glancing around, he saw Professor Melon sitting at his desk, his gaze fixed on Ryan with an intensity that made his skin crawl.

It wasn't the first time Ryan had caught Professor Melon staring at him, but it was the way he did it, the way his eyes seemed to follow Ryan's every move with an unsettling focus. It was enough to make Ryan's stomach churn with discomfort, to make him feel like a trapped animal under the gaze of a predator.

And as the whispers and taunts of his classmates filled the air, Ryan felt a surge of frustration welling up inside him. "Teachers pet," they sneered, their words like poison in his ears. But Ryan denied them, his voice firm and defiant.

But despite his protestations, the whispers persisted, growing louder and more insistent with each passing day. It was as if the entire school had turned against him, as if he were somehow to blame for Professor Melon's strange behavior.

A couple of days later, as Ryan sat in class, But just as he was beginning to resign himself to another day of uncomfortable scrutiny, Professor Melon was late to class for the first time in weeks. When he finally arrived, he seemed perfectly fine, his usual composed demeanor never faltering.

But then, just as the lesson was about to begin, Aiko burst into the classroom, his face pale and panicked. "I need to speak to Ryan," he said, his voice urgent.

Professor Melon's cold glare fell on Aiko, his lips curling into a snarl. "This can wait, Aiko," he snapped, his tone icy and dismissive. But Aiko refused to back down, his eyes pleading with Ryan to listen.

Ryan's heart pounded in his chest as he followed Aiko out of the classroom, his mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions. What could possibly be so urgent that Aiko felt the need to interrupt class? And why did Professor Melon seem so adamant about keeping them apart?

As they stepped into the hallway, Ryan turned to Aiko, his voice trembling with anticipation. "What's wrong?" he asked, his eyes searching Aiko's face for any sign of distress.

But to his horror, Aiko's expression was one of pure devastation, his eyes red and swollen with tears as he showed Ryan a photo on his phone. In the image, Ryan saw Aiko's other best friend, Dokusei, a male Komodo Dragon, lying motionless on the ground, his body covered in blood.

Aiko could only shake his head, his sobs choking off any coherent response as he fumbled for something in his pocket. With trembling hands, he pulled out a crumpled photograph, holding it out to Ryan with a shaky grip.

Ryan took the photo, his breath catching in his throat as he saw the image that lay before him. It was a picture of Aiko with their other best friend, Dokusei, a male Komodo Dragon with a fierce smile and a playful glint in his eyes. But what struck Ryan the most was the emptiness in Dokusei's gaze, the lifeless expression that chilled him to the bone.

And then, as if the photograph itself wasn't enough to send a shiver down his spine, Ryan noticed the blood-covered words scrawled across the bottom: "Sickness, huh?"

His heart pounding in his chest, Ryan felt a cold sweat break out across his forehead as he struggled to make sense of what he was seeing. Dokusei dead? It couldn't be true. He had just seen him at the skatepark a few days ago, laughing and joking with his friends as they performed tricks and stunts on their skateboards.

But as he looked closer at the photo, he realized that the bloodied words were not the only thing that seemed out of place. There was something about the angle of Dokusei's body, the way his limbs were twisted at unnatural angles, that sent a chill down Ryan's spine.

And then, it hit him like a ton of bricks. The last time he had seen Dokusei was at the skatepark, the same night that Professor Melon had ominously warned them about the bloodthirsty carnivores lurking outside. And he remembered Dokusei's accusation, his claim that Professor Melon had a sickness that made him dangerous.

Could it be possible? Could Professor Melon really be capable of such a heinous act? Ryan couldn't bring himself to believe it, couldn't fathom that the kindly gazelle who had been his teacher for so long could be capable of murder.

As Ryan returned to the classroom, his mind reeling from the devastating news of Dokusei's death, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Professor Melon's gaze bore into him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine, the silent accusation in his eyes weighing heavily on Ryan's conscience.

Taking his seat, Ryan tried to focus on his work, to bury himself in the comforting routine of his studies and forget the horrors that lurked just beyond the walls of the classroom. But the weight of grief bore down on him like a leaden cloak, suffocating him with its relentless presence.

Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Ryan felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes, hot and stinging as they spilled down his cheeks in silent streams. He tried to wipe them away discreetly, to hide the evidence of his pain from prying eyes, but it was no use.

Ryan couldn't shake the feeling that Professor Melon was watching him, reveling in his pain.

And indeed, as Ryan stole a glance in Professor Melon's direction, he saw the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips, a cruel mockery of the pain and suffering that Ryan was forced to endure.

But what Ryan didn't know was that Professor Melon had orchestrated this entire ordeal, that he had planned it from the very beginning. For you see, Professor Melon was not what he seemed. Beneath the facade of the gentle gazelle lurked a dark secret, a truth so horrifying that even Ryan could scarcely comprehend it.

For Professor Melon was a hybrid, a creature born of two worlds, a mix of gazelle and leopard blood running through his veins. And according to the ancient legends that he had studied, human blood was the key to unlocking the cure for a hybrid's curse, a curse that had plagued him for as long as he could remember.

And so, as he watched the tears fall from Ryan's face, Professor Melon felt a perverse sense of satisfaction wash over him, a sickening thrill at the thought of finally finding the cure that had eluded him for so long.

But as he reveled in his victory, a nagging voice in the back of his mind whispered a warning. For you see, even as he plotted and schemed, Professor Melon could never escape the truth of who he was, a monster masquerading as a man, driven by an insatiable thirst for power and control.

And as he watched Ryan silently cry to himself, Professor Melon knew that he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, even if it meant sacrificing everything he held dear in the process. For in the end, the only thing that mattered was achieving his goal, no matter the cost.

Melon's grin beneath the face-mask remained fixed, unperturbed by Ryan's outburst. He observed with a detached amusement as the human cried angrily, attempting to assert his own dominance in the face of Melon's looming presence.

"Ah, but you misunderstand," Melon replied, his voice smooth and calm, belying the tension crackling between them. He chuckled softly, finding amusement in the man's futile attempts to categorize and dismiss him.

"Money can buy you comfort for the night, but it cannot erase the debt you have incurred." Melon continued to walk alongside the man, his steps unhurried and relentless. "Remember, my friend, every action has its consequences, and these are yours... so I would sincerely advise stopping and listening to me if you have any desire to keep the simple, boring life you currently... have."

As Ryan stormed out of the classroom, his anger palpable in the air, Melon's gaze followed him with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction. He had planted the seeds of doubt in Ryan's mind, knowing that they would grow and fester until he was consumed by uncertainty and fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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