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Heeseung pov:

As Y/n and Sunghoon left, I realised now I was on my own. I was terrified. What is up with kids sometimes? Suddenly, a knock at the door made jump. I got out of my seat and went to go see who it was. As I opened the door I saw Sunghoon. Why was he here again..?

"Uh hi" I said as I opened the door a bit more. It was raining heavily outside already. I wonder if Y/n would be okay in those tents while it was raining.

"Hey. I just came to see how your grandma was doing. Is she sleeping right now?" He asked. I suddenly remembered he had always been taking care of our grandma often. So naturally, he would want to know how she's doing when Y/n wasn't home.

"Oh yeah she's asleep right now. Do you want to come in? It's raining pretty hard out there" I offered, to which he nodded.

"Oh yeah, thanks." He came in, taking off his shoes and his jacket.

After he came in, I closed the door and went back to where I was sitting.

"Still doing that are you? Seriously, are you that paranoid that something will happen?" He asked as he came to sit beside me.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid..." I thought out loud.

"Yeah I think you are. Let me just open that window and show you there's really nothing, okay?" He said as he got up and went to the window.

"See there's..." I heard him gasp, making me turn around.

"There's nothing there right?" I asked, not turning around. No response. I turned around and saw him just standing there.

I walked over to him to see what he saw. I looked out the window and saw both those little kids staring at us, with creepy smiles plastered onto their faces. From what is looked like, they were both sisters. Two girls who looked like they were maybe about 7 years old.

"Okay... uhm let's just close this.." Sunghoon grabbed the curtains and closed them.

"See?! I told you!" I yelled. I don't want to die yet. I'm too young to die.

"Okay, let's calm down. Maybe they were... Birdwatching..??" He said, unsure. 

"Seriously? Birdwatching? WE'RE GONNA DIE SUNGHOON. THEY'RE GONNA KILL US!" I yelled I'm his face, grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him. 

"Okay... Uhm... Maybe we should-" he was interrupted by the power suddenly going out. 

We looked at each other in fear and screamed. This was terrifying, like a horror movie. Sunghoon walked over to find the door and locked it. Then he came back to me and grabbed his phone. 

"Okay let's uhh... Let's call Y/n" he turned on his phone revealing the time. It's had just gone midnight. 

"Hello..?" I heard a sleepy voice answer the phone. 

"Hey. Uhm, sorry to bother you but we kinda need a little help right now... " Sunghoon paused waiting for an answer. 

"Okay... Go ahead... " the tone of her voice was still tired, as if she could go back to sleep any minute now. 

"Well, your neighbors are really creepy and the power just went out... What should we do..?" He asked quietly. 

"Seriously..? I told you, they won't do anything... Just... Go... Back... To... Sleep..." She mumbled, before hanging up. 

"She must be tired. What do we-" Suddenly I saw a figure standing next to the stairs. 

"W-what's that..?" I asked, gripping onto Sunghoon's arm out of fear. 

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