Chapter 9

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"I am ready to sell myself, get ready customer".

After that she got ready and put the makeup and went to the motel .

She was sitting on the bed and  waiting for the customer she was so nervous but she don't have any other option left .

You can do this , don't worry ...

She was continuously  biting her lips and looking at the door then she heard the noise from outside she went outside to check  but she hid herself as soon as she saw a man,the man was the one of her target in the past ,he was scolding the waiter who spilled the wine in his suit .

She gulp and start sweating ,she was so confused what to do now .

Fuck ...

Run yn   if  you don't want to end up in the jail.

She looked at the window and decided to run from there ,but how she was on the 3rd floor.

Aish think something bitch ...

then first she locked the door and   took the bedsheet and somehow arranged it to the walls and slowly got down with the help of it .

It was really my last day .

It was nearly a afternoon so she picked soobin to his school .

"How's your day,kiddo"yn said and peeked on his cheek.

Soobin was looking at her with big doey eyes this is his first time when he saw her sister in that types clothes .

"What happened?"yn asked .

"Are you going somewhere nonna"soobin asked .

Yn realised and then nervously chuckled "no I am not going anywhere don't worry"then she patted his head and he gave him big smile .

They both went home and saw some cars outside her home and some men were standing in Black clothes looking like they were bodyguards of someone .

They went inside and saw a staringe man was sitting on the couch where his father filling his glass with alcohol.

As soon as her father saw her  he uttered  "ohh you are back , come here "where the other man giving her a creepy smile .

She slowly went to him and her father  start telling the man "she can cook and cleaning ,i promise she will never give you the reason of complain".

"I see"the man said and licked her lips .

"W.who is he?"yn asked ,she was feeling uncomfortable with his gaze.

"You don't have to kn----"her father said but get interrupted by the man "you can tell her that  I am her Future husband ".

He father chuckled and said"yeah sure,I am happy you made best decision".

" h.husband what"yn said while shuttering she was not believing what she actually heard.

"Yeah your future husband,digest this fact as soon as you could"her father said in serious tone .

Then the man stood from his seat and went to yn and caressed her  cheeks "you are too beautiful ,I can fuck you all night .

Yn fliched and pushed his hand back"appa I want to talk with you".

"I am listening"her father replied in real he was not interested at all .

"I don't want to"yn said but he interrupt her "wait , when I asked for your permission, don't forget I am your father I have all rights to make decisions for you".

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