Lovely Handwriting. (Chapter 5.)

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Han Jisung's POV

I heard the alarm going off and I slowly opened my eyes as I turned off the alarm. After a few seconds of me laying in bed and having that morning stare, I got up from my bed and went to get ready for school but first, I got my bed ready.

Lee Minho's POV

I did not want to wake up for school at all. All the alarms I have set up, I just turned them off and went back to sleep. But, after some minutes I realized I have school. I quickly opened my eyes and grabbed my phone, checking the time. Shit.. It's 08:10 ! I'm gonna be late again !! I quickly got off of my bed and grabbed a white shirt and changed. After that, I ran to the bathroom to grab a toothbrush and a toothpaste, I was doing many things at once basically..

Third person's POV

Han and Minho were getting ready for school, Minho overslept as usually and was in a rush. While Han was doing everything calmly and wasn't in a rush since he didn't overslept like Minho did. After getting ready, Minho quickly came up to the door to leave. But the problem was.. Han was about to leave too. They did not know that they have dorms next to each others at all.. Just about when Minho leaved his dorm and was walking down the hall, Han realized he forgot something so he let go off of the knob and went to his room to grab the thing he forgot.

Damn.. They almost figured out that they live nextdoor.

When Minho was out of the sight, Han leaved his dorm, walking to school.

Skip time

Lee Minho's POV

''Where's the curry restaurant you talked about ?'' I asked Bangchan.

Bangchan -- ''Come on. Good things don't come easy. I'm telling you, this restaurant is just great!'' I clicked my tongue. I was so hungry that it almost made me feel annoyed at how they're playing around.

Changbin -- ''Their food it great ?''

Bangchan -- ''Their female customers are great !'' Bangchan said with a smile, before everyone cheering and me just staying quiet.

Bangchan -- '' It's a newly-opened restaurant and becoming very popular. Lots of girls come here.''

After that, I got a message. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and clicked on the message just to find out that Han texted me this : ''We're going to the new curry restaurant for lunch.''. My eyes widened at the sight. Fuck..

Han Jisung's POV

I checked what Minho texted me back, and my eyes widened almost immediatly when I saw it. I glanced at my friends and then back at my phone, texting Minho back quickly : ''Shit! The place is mine today. You guys go somewhere else.''

Minho -- ''Why do I have to ? You go somewhere else.''

''I'm about to finish my lunch already. Wanna see some proof ?'' I then send him a picture of my dish, giving him the proof. Gosh I will be screwed if his friends and Minho will come here..

Minho -- ''Fine. I'll go somewhere else.''

Lee Minho's POV

Just when I texted back Han, I heard Felix say with a smile :

Felix -- ''Look at you! You must be talking to a girl!~'' I panicked a little bit but I quickly thought of a smart idea.

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