Chapter 1: The Betrayal at Gorgon's Maw

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As my group trained in the dense Sands Forest, we stumbled upon a hidden dungeon that had not been reported to the association. Its entrance loomed before us, with faded lettering etched into the stone: "Gorgons Maw - C Class One Time Dungeon." The ominous name sent a shiver down my spine. This was no ordinary dungeon.

Gorgons Maw
C Class One Time Dungeon
Type: Labyrinth
5 person minimum and maximum
Expires in 12 hours

According to the signs, this labyrinth could only be conquered by a team of five and would expire in 12 hours. Its rarity made it all the more enticing. I had learned about the different types of dungeons before, but never thought I would encounter one like this.

There were repeat dungeons, which randomly appeared and reappeared, providing a time limit to conquer them. Then there were stable or farming dungeons, meant for leveling up and farming specific monsters until their Heart was destroyed. But this? A one-time dungeon that was said to be as legendary as it was elusive?

My heart raced with both excitement and apprehension as we stepped inside, ready for whatever challenges awaited us within its walls. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we couldn't afford to pass up especially the dungeon being of mid class.

When the world first experienced the shift, the Administrator bestowed upon each country's capital a set of 7 precious Hearts. These Hearts represented one's ranking, which were divided into F Class, D Class, C Class, B Class, A Class, S Class, and Ex Class. This system allowed us to see where we stood among our peers and how much power we held. However, there were only 10 S Ranks in the entire world, and no one had yet achieved the elusive Ex Class. It was a coveted position that many dreamed of but few could reach. The competition for higher ranks was fierce, as everyone wanted to prove their worth in this new world order.

The Hunter's Association meticulously ranked players based on their abilities to harness the power of dungeon heart cores. Upon registering at the association, each member had to undergo a rigorous magicule test where they were required to place their hand on each heart core, carefully measuring their capacity until they reached their maximum limit. As I ventured to undertake this task, my own abilities were only strong enough to pass the F Class core - sadly a humbling reminder of my limitations in this vast and competitive world of hunters.

I'm just happy I found a group who can take an F Class, like me, into their ranks.


I moved cautiously, my senses on high alert as I navigated the dark passageways alongside his newfound companions. The group consisted of four others, each one a skilled fighter in their own right. Aria, C Class, with her fiery red hair and fierce determination wielded her bow with deadly accuracy. Kael, C Class, a hulking warrior whose massive sword seemed to have a life of its own, cleaving through any enemy that dared challenge him. Lyra, D Class, a quiet mage who commanded dazzling displays of elemental magic with ease. And Finn, C Class, the sly thief whose quick reflexes and cunning tactics kept them alive thus far.

Together, they had braved countless perils, their bond forged in the crucible of survival. Their goal? To reach the heart of the dungeon, where untold treasures and unimaginable power awaited.

As they delved deeper into the dungeon's depths, the pulsing energy of the heart beckoned them forward like a hypnotic song. But with every step closer, the dangers grew more intense. Kael's voice echoed through the dark halls, commanding them to keep their guard up as they neared their objective.

My grip tightened on my sword as Finn's chuckle rang out from the shadows. "Let's hope you're as brave as you appear, kid. We're about to face something much worse than anything we've encountered."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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