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"What could one more splash of blood mean to you?"

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"What could one more splash of blood mean to you?"


S O N Y A Black gazed out the passenger seat of her aunt's car, lush forest with thick underbrush covered the dense ground as a low fog settled within. Deer occasionally darted from the safe cover of dark green bushes, munching on the dark leaves.

She could smell the scent of fresh pine and decomposing plants as the car passed the scenic views. The soft pitter of the rain droplets raced down the window, the greying of the day gave the young girl a sense of comfort and longing.

She longed to race through the forest, never to be seen again, and left alone with the fleeting thoughts of her parents who had passed less than three weeks ago due to a fetal break-in.

Sonya knew the truth; it was no regular break-in gone wrong. It was vampires. They came in the night, remaining undetected as they struck. They didn't make her parent's death quick, they let them suffer before they set the house on fire.

It's like Sonya was transported back to that night as thick smoke escaped from her house, the bright orange fire eating away the small wooden cabin. She remembered her screams as she attempted to save her parents.

"Sweetie we're here," Chepi Black announced as she turned the car off before turning to Sonya with a sad smile. Sonya stared into eyes that mirrored her own, rich dark pools of brown filled with sadness and grief.

Chepi caressed Sonya's cheek softly before patting her leg, "C'mon kiddo." She sighed before getting out of the car.

Sonya opened her door as she looked over the house, it was grey, though you could see small bits of white as the rain washed away the grime alongside the paneling. A small four-squared window on the second story overlooked the gravel driveway, behind the house was the ever-growing forest as various plants blossomed around the house.

As Sonya walked up the porch it creaked slightly under the weight of the two women, upon opening the door the hinges whined in protest. The house was slightly a mess with open boxes everywhere, Chepi then led Sonya up the stairs and into her room.

Sonya grew grateful as some of her boxes had already been emptied by her aunt, it was a decent-sized room with a small closet and a small bay window that overlooked the dense green forest—the gloominess of the grey clouds that perched in the sky with a constant reminder of rain.

"Do you like it dear?" Chepi asked gently as she rested her hands on Sonya's shoulders with a smile while looking around the room. She frowned when she saw dust had already been collecting on some of the boxes tucked in the corner. She'd definitely be cleaning that later.

"It's great aunt Chepi," Sonya turned in the woman's arms to give her a short hug. Chepi beamed with happiness, "great! I'm going to order some pizza." she exclaimed before rushing out of the room.

Sonya found herself sitting in the bay window with a frown, her gaze empty with her thoughts running wild. She loved her aunt, but she'd much rather be with her parents if they were still alive. Sonya used to visit La Push all the time but as she grew older, she stopped coming.

Now that Sonya was seeing her aunt for the first time in years, she felt bad. Chepi couldn't have kids of her own, which led to her ex-husband to search for a woman who could. Sonya was young when her aunt's husband cheated on her, but she can still remember Chepi crying in her mother's arms.

She just wanted to go home.

Home. The word sent a familiar shot of pain in her chest, a pang of longing and grief ran through her as she thought of her parents.

They were a small family with Sonya being their only child, they were in love that much was sure. Sonya could always remember seeing her father admiring everything her mother did, his loving gaze always keeping a watchful eye on the tanned woman.

Sonya used to long for the love they had but she wasn't so sure now, it was what killed them. They refused to die without the other, the night the fire happened her mother had safely escaped.

When her mother realized her father was still in the house she ran back into the bright embers of flames despite Sonya's begging and pleading for her to stay.

And now she was alone once more.

In turn, Sonya truthfully wished she'd followed her mother into the fire, perhaps then Sonya wouldn't have been filled with so much grief that it felt as if someone left a gaping hole through her chest.

A hot chill ran through the young girl's body as she stared out the window, her eyebrows furrowing when she heard the rumble of a vehicle.

A distant laugh was heard as Sonya moved out of her room and ambled down the stairs, her eyes darting to every dark corner.

"Wow, you've grown kiddo!" An older man said loudly as Sonya peeked her head out of the front door. His long hair was put into a braid as he smiled up at her from a wheelchair.

Beside him was a boy who looked a little bit younger than Sonya, perhaps a year or two younger to be specific. His dark long hair framed his face as he gave her a boyish grin.

"Uncle Billy?" Sonya questioned hesitantly. The last time Sonya saw these two was when she was about eleven.

"Yup! You remember Jacob right? I remember you two used to cause mayhem in this town when you were younger." Billy said, laughing at the last bit.

Sonya sent Jacob a barely visible smile to which he waved back.

"Sonya, why don't you bring Jacob up to your room? They're gonna be staying for dinner." Aunt Chepi suggested as she went to push Billy into the house.

Sonya nodded with a small frown as she held the door open for her younger cousin and led him upstairs into her room.

"It's uh, not much," Sonya spoke quietly as she put her hands into the pockets of her grey hoodie.

"Looks good to me." Jacob smiled before turning to face the slightly taller girl, "Listen I'm uh, sorry about your parents."

"Thanks," Sonya breathed tensely as her voice cracked slightly.

"Aunt Chepi says you're coming to my school," Jacob said while sitting on the girl's large bed, Sonya soon joined him as she sat next to him.

"Yeah," Sonya murmured, she would miss her old school. Though she didn't have many friends she still had a good-sized circle of people she could trust.

"You'll like it, I can introduce you to my boys," Jacob exclaimed as he picked up a baseball and tossed it in the air.

"You're boys?" Sonya quietly questioned, her eyes furrowing as Jacob explained they were his friends. Sonya frowned. She didn't want to make friends. She just wished to be left alone and wallow in the emptiness of missing her beloved parents. 

Seeing the worry on her face Jacob turned to her, "Don't worry everyone's nice." He reassured. 

Sonya nodded, not paying attention to his words in the slightest. 

She couldn't care less.

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