Truth or dare?

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TW: LANGUAGE (not rll)

Bobby, hen, chimney , buck, Eddie and madie are playing truth or dare at the end of their shift! (Buck and Eddie aren't together yet)

"Who's gonna start then?" Hen asks very enthusiastically. Chimney agrees to go first and picks on Bobby, "cap, truth or dare?". "Truth" Bobby replies very calmly. "Have you ever lied to Athena?" Chimney asks very intrigued to know the answer. "No." Bobbys says sternly then proceeding to get up and mutter "this is a stupid game im going home, goodnight everyone." Meanwhile everyone heard and replied "cya later cap!"

"Anyway,"madie says glancing over at her half asleep brother, "buck truth or dare?" Eddie gives him a slight shake to wake him a little (due to him being on his shoulder). "Huh.. dare " buck groans. *eddie smirks* "ooo I dare you to give Eddie a lap dance" laughs out madie. Hen and chimneys jaw drops to the floor and they start laughing (hen has bets on them). "Alrighty then.." buck smiles with confidence as he climbs of the sofa just to climb on Eddies lap. "Woahhhh" Eddie laughs meanwhile he's turned bright red. *buck started to grind and go up and down on Eddie while slightly blushing * "WHOAH THATS ENOUGH" madie says disgusted with seeing her brother doing that.


"Eddie!!" "It's your go" hen says with a worrying smirk on her face. "Oh god" Eddie replies sighing. "Eddie truth or dare...?" Hen asks "truth i can't be arsed to move" (he has buck back on him). "Alright then, do you have a crush in this group?" Hen questions. suddenly bucks head pops up after being lay down. Eddie worry's "oh sorry Bucky did I wake you up?" Eddie asks concerned. "Nah I'm good, carry on answer ur truth Ed's " buck replies. "Yes I do...a big fat crush" Eddie answers confidently. *eddie makes 10 second eye contact with buck, both blushing HARD*

"Well that's not obvious at all...." Hen says sarcastically to break the awkward silence...


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