Truth or dare pt. 2

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A few hours later (everyone's fake asleep except
Eddie and buck is actually asleep / and it became a 118 sleepover)

*fuck I need a piss* Eddie thinks but he can't get up because Buck is asleep on his chest. "Sorry Bucky I'll be 2 minutes" Eddie whispers while very carefully shaking buck off him.

While Eddie is in the bathroom

Hen whispers to chimney "I bet they'll do something " hen winks "ew but ur probably right" chimney giggles.

Eddie gets back

"There is no way they are all asleep"Eddie says confused. "Lo siento carinio, solo voy a aprentarme junto a ti, hermosa." Eddie says in Spanish while thinking no one could hear him.
*buck groans he's waking up* "shit sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Eddie frowns. "Hm it's okay Ed's I heard your Spanish by the way what did it mean?" Buck asked genuinely confused. "Nothing, forget about it Bucky " Eddie replies getting kinda flustered. "Okayy, who's awake?" Buck asks (he still has his eyes shut). "Just us Bucky" Eddie answers, "oh alright then" buck replies kinda blushing from Eddie calling him 'Bucky'.

1hour later

"Hey Ed's can I ask you a question?"buck asks shyly. "Yeah, Of course" Eddie replies. "Who's your crush you said earlier?"buck says while making eye contact with Eddie "um isn't it obvious?" Eddie replies sarcastically but while getting a but red in the face. "Okay I'll tell you mine if yu tell me yours" Buck reaches out for a handshake deal "okay, deal" Eddie responds. Also shaking hands.

3...2...1... "you Ed's," "tu, por supuesto" buck and Eddie blurted out (Eddie said it in Spanish because he was so nervous) "I said you of course by the way" Eddie added. "Oh okay for a minute I thought I really fucked up"buck responds. "No don't worry, you haven't fucked up i fucking love you... I just want you to know." Eddie blurts. "I-" Buck tries to answer


"Hahahaha" chimney and hen let go of their cover. "DID YOU SEE THE WHOLE THING?!" Eddie asks anxiously. "Ah it don't matter Ed's..." Buck responds while grabbing Eddies chin to calm him down and leaning into a gentle but meaningful kiss...

The end of the truth or dare!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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