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I left a note and food for when Trixx would get back before I headed to work. The first half of my shift I was a shot boy and I decided to put in silver contacts.
Before my second shift for the night started I went into the locker room to change out of my contacts. I stood infront of the vanity mirror placing the contacts into the case.
"Starrrr!" Ferrari put his arms around me. "Jay is being mean to me again!" I laughed and patted his head.
"A drama king as always Ferrari."
He backed off of me and rubbed his chin.
"Something is.. different.."
"What ever could you mean ferr"
"You got laid!" My eyes widened
"Wha- that's.. thats not-" Jay turned me around to look at him.
"Oh my.. does our little femboy have a daddy of his own?" He pulled my mask down and turned me back around to look at Ferrari.
"You're glowing. Our little puppy is smitten how unusual."
"Its.. its not like that.. she-"
"Oh my gawd!! Star! Are you straight?!"
I pulled my mask back up.
"No Ferrari, I am not straight. I do however have to get back to the second part of my shift." I rushed up the winding staircase to be met by Katalein.
I did my usual greeting and seated her and poured us both a glass of her favorite wine.
"Star.. I'm afraid this will be our last time meeting like this." She caressed my cheek softly I felt like I was dying a bit inside.
"Did I do something to offend you Katalein? I assure you have my sincerest apologies for any misunderstanding or offense I've caused you."
"Ah my dear star, as if you could ever harm or offend me... my eldest magnolia needs her mother and I'm afraid my time coming to this establishment for your attention has come to an end as I must tend to my child and her needs. I just wanted to give you a proper understanding of my soon to be absence. You see magnolia is having... troubles, it's nothing to do with you."
"I appreciate your transparency and not allowing me to be left questioning if it's something I've done." She held my hand in hers.
"I can see the glow under your mask you know star."
I shifted a bit uncomfortably in my seat.
"What.. its just the alcohol."
"Let's share this last glass and I will be on my way." We enjoyed eachothers company before she stood up and kissed the top of my head.
"This won't be our last time meeting Astaroth. Hopefully next time you'll be able to confide in me personally." She looked up in thought for a moment.  "Like a mother." And then left. I just stared blankly at the wine in my glass and laughed a bit. I took the last sip of my wine and realization hit me like a brick wall. Did.. did she just call me by name. How.... I couldn't wrap my head around how she knew. I finished my shift as usual and went to the desk to get my pay for the night spent.
"There must be some kind of mistake james." I said to the book keeper that was here tonight looking at the $5000 cash from the hosting.
"Katalein said you deserved it for the inconvenience her absence might cause. It's no mistake star. You know she's very smitten with you. She only ever asks for you."
"I get that but this... ontop of the tips I made my first shift I have my bills paid for like... half a year.."
"Take a vacation. You deserve it now get out of here. The clean up crew will be here in 15 so out with you. You guys too!" He yelled at Ferrari and jay. We all walked out together. Ferrari clung to me.
"So when are you going to have another party star? I feel like we haven't been to your house in ages." I laughed
"Let me just clear it with my roommate and I'll see about it. Does Wednesday work?"
"Yes!" They both said in unison.
"Oohh the roomate." Jay said suggestive.
"Chill out, both of you." Jay and Ferrari wiated for their ubers and I left for the drive home.
When I got home I was exhusted and had just walked through the door to see Trixx still awake on the couch.
"Ah.. hey." I put my keys next to hers.
"Good night I take it?" She pointed to the envelope filled with money. I stared at the envelope for a second and sighed.
"Um.. a bittersweet night is more accurate."  I turned around to lock the door behind me "a few friends from work want to come hangout.. um.. a small party Wednesday night if that's okay with you." She stared at me with a not so happy look.
"You have lust dust all over your backside Astaroth. " She took a big drink of wine. I was taken aback by the full use of my name. That's twice tonight now.. its making me feel like a child getting scolded..
"What" I took my shirt off an looked at it. "Fucking Ferrari."
"A car?" She laughed
"No.. Ferrari is a coworker.. he must've gotten it all over me when he hugged me.
"From behind?"
"You'd have to meet him to understand.. he has no spacial awareness when It comes to people."
"Wednesday sounds good, I work till 8pm and have Thursday off."
"Thats great. I don't work Wednesday or Thursday since I got the weekend shift this week. So do you want to help me set it up? We could have the party start around midnight?"
"Yea.. sounds good." I made my way to my room to change into pajamas and clean my face in the bathroom before I made my way to the couch next to Trixx.
"You hungry?"
"A bit.." I got my phone out and doordashed some food from a 24/hr pizza place.
"Pizza will be here in about 20 minutes." I noticed she brought her computer out from her room and some school books. "How's college classes going?" She rolled her eyes and held up a wine bottle
"This is how it's going." I laughed as she took another gulp of wine. I looked at the time just as a knock came to the door. I left the doordasher a $15 cash tip so it wouldn't be claimed on their taxes later.
"Do you work today?" She looked over at the clock with a peice of pizza hanging from her mouth.
"Shit.. shit shit! It's 4 in the morning..." She got up abruptly looking at her phone. "I haven't slept and I work in 2 hours.. and I've been drinking." I laughed as I watched her scramble around the livingroom.
"Call off." She stopped dead in her tracks.
"Its Tuesday morning now star.. I only work like an 8 hour shift and a 5 hour shift Wednesday. I only have like 3 days of work this week and my phone bill is due friday."
"Come on.. I've never seen you call off since you've been living with me. I'm sure it's not going to affect your job status. Besides since I'm coaxing you into calling off... I'll help you pay your phone bill... and you've been drinking so I don't think delivering sushi is a good idea anyhow." She stared at her phone in her hand and looked back at me.
"You make a good point."
"A good point and there's more pizza over here." I wiggled the pizza box. She started dialing a number on her phone.
"Hey Mark, I'm taking a mental health day.. I had a very long weekend at my mothers could you cover for me today... mhmm yes I'll switch you for Saturday. I really appreciate you. Bye."
"Wow not only calling off but actually managed to switch someone for a shift. That's lucky."
She rolled her eyes and got me a glass of the wine she's been gulping down. She changed the TV to adventure time and we just zoned out.
Next thing I knew I was waking up to something tightening around my waist. Trixx and I must've fallen asleep on the couch at some point. I tried to gently shift her off me without waking her but the second I moved her arm she woke up. She looked up at me in a bit of a daze. When she realized the way we were positioned on the couch she sat up fast.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to-"
"Its okay. I honestly don't even remember falling asleep."
"UNECEPTABLE!!" We both got wide eyed and turned to the TV to see lemon grab having one of his many many tantrums. Which landed us both in a bit of a laughing fit.
"Well on that note I supposed I should make us some food." I made my way into the kitchen.
"Hey star?"
"Are you straight?" I looked over to her from the eggs in the pan but she wasn't looking at me.
"No. I just like who I like I guess."  I flipped the eggs over and plated the food for us both to eat. The rest of the day was silent till I went to work. I told Ferrari and jay that Wednesday would work and they started to invite the whole workplace to join and that means I have more planning to do than I originally thought which was okay. only maybe a quarter of the workers would end up coming over anyhow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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