Better with you on the bed•notti

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Amya's POV

Me and notti were layin in the bed on our phones, I had let notti come over bc my dad was at work and he was workin late and notti been wantin to come over so

I called him over " yo mymy I'm hungry " " ok wha ya want? " " ummmmm, I wannnnnnnnt ummmm, " " comon notti what do you want to eat, I can make you something "

" yea can you make me something " " yea I gocha " of course his ass was hungry him and Ddot are some big

motherfuckin backs I tell you but when I was making his food my best friend called me " hello, hey girl I got to telllllll you some " " what,what happened " " girl I gave Ddot a pill and let me tell you that nigga went ham on my ass " ( go to ig live and then come back here)

" what pill you takin about I'm so confused? " " you know that one pill that gets you horny " " ohhhh that one...BITCH WHAT HAPPENED WHY YOU GIVE IT TO HIM "

" bc his ass was just on that game to damn much and I was bord so I wanted to try it out but my umm my pussy kind of hurts ingl " " girl who in the hell told you to do that you know how Ddot get when he horny hahahaha "

" ik but I did NOT and I repeat I did NOT think it was true girl I thought it was fake but girl I guess not " " girl you wron-notti come eat " I yelled for him to come eat " what did you make mama " he say as he was walking down the stairs " I made pasta you like pasta right? " " oh yea most definitely I do "

" ok girl I will call you tomorrow ok love ya " " love ya girll " I told her as I hung up the phone " who were you on the phone with " " I was on the phone with y/n why " " bc..idk just bc " ok well I'm going to sit on the couch k " " k "






" ma I'm sooooo bord can we do somethin " " yea what you want to do " " get Neky with youuuuuu " he sung out as I laughed at him

" boyy ok but for real what you want to do " " oh no I'm being serious look " he pointed at his pants I looked down and I think what ever happened to y/n is going to happen to me right here right now

" how in the hel- how in the hell did you get the that " " bc you keep moving yo ass on my stop and you know yo ass big "

" notti shut the hell up " " I'm not lying ma yo ass it big so comon " " I'm ok im just gonna lay back downnn.." " unt unt come here " he pulled me and sat me on top of him and started kissin all on me I lifted his shirt up and he lifted my shirt up

I didn't have a bra on so my tiss were out, I got off of him and took my pants off and my underwear and when I tell yall he look good with no shirt he gon make yall want to DTD like shiiiii but anyway " get on the bed " he told me and he started going......

Ya I'm leaving yall like dat bye ⭐️❤️👌🦋🫶🏽

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