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                                                        Y/N  RESIDENTS

It's been some days nd I'm still wearing the same damn outfit, I haven't took a shower nd I'm hungry nd most of all I'm BORD I don't have my phone so..but I think I can try nd do some of those things if I try nd convince dd to let me do some of those things,

nd yes I call him dd now some how he got me to call him dd...weird Ik like who tf wants to be called dd, that's fucking stupid.

After I said that fat ass came downstairs "Wsg mama " " get tf away from me " " why you so mad for? " as he said that I side eye tf out of him bc like why tf else would I be mad " bc you don't let me eat, shower, change, nd on top of that I'm bord nd I can't have my phone like comon "

he looked at me I looked at his ass " look you can eat you just haven't asked yet nd if you want to change then say so " I should just choke
his ass out right here

" nd why the hell do I have to ask to do something or eat " " bc I'm not gonna know if you want those things mami " " stop calling me those names " he Smiled nd then grabbed my chin nd kissed me ngl that water park down there got activated nd he is fine,

as he keeped kissing me I moaned into the kiss nd he slipped his tongue in my mouth nd then he stoped...WHYYYYY " why did you stoppp "

I wind " bc Ik your horny nd I'm not doing anything with you " he looks so fucking stupid rn " but I thought I was yours " I gave him a baby face " are " " so..." " I'm still not doing anything with you "

" fine then " he turned around nd sat on the edge of the bed nd got on his phone, nd me I'm gonna play with my self....

2 minutes passed

Idk if he is hearing me but I'm trying to moan low so he doesn't hear me, my fingers feel soo good rn I started going faster nd my moan slipped out my mouth but I just couldn't stop I just let my moans go

dd turned around nd just stared at mee " what doing " all that was coming out my mouth was moans I couldn't talk rn, my head went back nd as my head went back I felt my hand get snatched out of me nd a new pair of hands in me but they felt so good though,

looked at what hands they were nd it was dd's hands, he took his hands out " why did you stop " I asked him " bc, now get on all fours " I got on all fours, nd he just pounded in me he was going fast " ahh f-fuck mama you s-so tight " " fa-faster pls "

I asked bc it just idk if just was soooo good " fuck " he took it out nd got on the bed " get on top of me " " why " " ride me " I got on top nd starting riding him " ohh shit " I moaned " fuck mami you do it the best ".

1 hour pasted

I was just laying on the bed then dd came downstairs " here you wanted food you got food, nd  here are some clothes " " thx " " why are you always sad " " I'm not I'm fucking bord can't you see " " I can " " then why did you ask? " " just do what you gotta do " I was eating nd this is what he gave me.

I was just laying on the bed then dd came downstairs " here you wanted food you got food, nd  here are some clothes " " thx " " why are you always sad " " I'm not I'm fucking bord can't you see " " I can " " then why did you ask? " " just do what ...

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Fucking buss ik, but after I was done eating I put my clothes on.

He must got a sister or something cuz dis eats, but anyway I changed nd I decided to play a game idk how bc it's only me but I have to try

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He must got a sister or something cuz dis eats, but anyway I changed nd I decided to play a game idk how bc it's only me but I have to try. I just started to do fake gymnastics " ok so back handspring 3.2.1 and g- "

dd came back downstairs, but at this point idk anybody is looking for me " comon we going to the store, nd don't worry I'm pretty sure nobody is looking for you I mean you live alone right?"

" yes nd how you know I live alone " " idk but here is your phone it's just won't stop going off it's fucking annoying " yes I finally got my phone back.

Pt.3? ( I'm just so tired)

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