Love at first sight.

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(Tom's POV:) He was walking down the alleyway to his favorite bakery, hoping that no one would recognize him. He puts on his coat to hide himself from others. He gets inside going to the counter to place his order then he sees you, he thinks how special he is to finally see a beautiful woman who he has always dreamed of meeting. And thought that maybe you thought the same. It's almost like he recognized you. Butterfly's went into his stomach. He knew it. He loved you...
While he was walking he was blushing and he felt that feeling that EVERYONE feels when they experience love. But this one was different.. it felt like that feeling would never fade away. He thought about you so much that he even dreamed of marrying you once. (I know, it's a little weird) he was caught so off guard that he even bumped into someone by just zoning out. He looked up and it was you...
Tom: "Hi, umm, sorry "
You: "Your fine~"
Tom: "Oh, why thank you!-"
He cut himself off as he was blushing hard
Here it goes again.... His heart started pounding and the butterflies in his stomach started coming back. Oh no...
He almost told her his feelings for her
You: "I said that out loud... didn't I?"
Tom: "Yeah, but very sexy like~"
This kept replaying in his mind as he thought about you, so cute... so perfect! He needed you, he wanted you...
He got his order and started walking over to you before asking.
Tom: "May I sit by you?"
You: "Oh, uhm sure..."
Tom: "Thanks" *He sits by you*
You: "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"
Tom:" Tom holland..."
You: "..."
Tom: "Hello?"
You: "Huh?"
Tom: "I asked what your name is...."
You: "My name is Aylea..."
Tom: "You mean the famous singer Aylea?" *He asked you his voice being filled with surprise and shock*
You: *You blush slightly* "Yes, the famous singer Aylea..."
Tom: *He smiled seeing you blush* "My brothers a huge fan of yours...."
You: "You can tell him I said hello..."
Tom: "I will... I do have a question though..."
You: "Go ahead."
Tom: "Aren't you from Fresno, not from Hollywood?......."
You: *You blush hard* "Yes, I am... Why?"
Tom: *He just smirks* "I'm just wondering what your doing all the way out here..."
You: "I'm having an event out here.... At the stadium..."
Tom: "Ooh, okay... My brother would really wanna go..."
You: "Here.." *You give Tom two tickets for him and his brother* "So you both can go..."
Tom: "Oh thanks, but you didn't really have too..."
You: "No it's okay, seriously.." *You replied with a slight giggle*
Tom: *Blushes very hard*
You: "You look adorable when you blush. You know that?"
Tom: *He looked at you, blushing even more* "T- Thanks..."
You: "Your welcome, Holland." *You say before giggling to yourself*
Tom: *Sits there in shock*
Tom thinks how blessed he is and now knows for a fact that he will one day marry you. You feel the same...

Tom Holland (your about to see new things well your character is)Where stories live. Discover now