Chapter 5

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February 3, 2020

I glance up at the clock that sits above the window in the kitchen as I'm elbow deep in the sudds.

10:47 PM

I sigh and put the rest of the dishes down. I can clean the rest tomorrow.

I rinse off the soap and wipe my arms dry with the kitchen towel. Glancing down at my wrists, I see the scars that wrap around them. I was hoping that they would fade as I got older, but they still look nearly the same.

I sigh and rub my eyes. I took Joy to the zoo for the first time today. She's going to be starting kindergarten shortly after she turns five in 2022 and I want to spend as much time as possible before then.

As I lean against the kitchen counter, memories of the zoo visit flood my mind. Joy's laughter echoing through the exhibits, her small hand tightly gripping mine as we marveled at the animals. It was a day filled with joy and wonder, a stark contrast to the fear and uncertainty that had consumed me years ago.

But despite the happiness of today, the scars on my wrists serve as a reminder of the darkness that once enveloped my life. The events that took place during highschool, are etched into my memory like a haunting melody, refusing to fade with time.

I shake my head, trying to push aside the intrusive thoughts. Focus on the present, I tell myself. Joy is safe, loved, and blissfully unaware of the horrors her mother endured. That's all that matters.

With a weary sigh, I turn off the kitchen lights and make my way Joy's room. As I stand in the doorway of her room, watching her peaceful slumber, a sense of gratitude washes over me. Despite the nightmares of my past, I have a chance to protect Joy in the way that my parents couldn't, despite them being the best parents one could ask for.

As I gently brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead, I whisper a silent promise to protect her at all costs. Tomorrow is a new day, another opportunity to cherish the moments we have together and leave the shadows of the past behind. With that thought in mind, I quietly leave Joy's room and retreat to my own, ready to face whatever challenges tomorrow may bring.


The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I wake to the sound of birds chirping outside. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I stretch my limbs and take a deep breath, ready to embrace the day ahead.

With a soft smile, I quietly slip out of bed, careful not to wake Joy, who is still lost in dreams of adventure. I make my way into the kitchen and start to make us some breakfast. Pancakes with blueberries, Joy's favorite.

After breakfast and a playful tickle fight with Joy, we're ready to head out to the park. Joy's eyes light up with excitement as she grabs her tricycle, another Christmas gift from Santa that she adores. The colorful streamers flutter in the breeze as she pedals eagerly beside me, her laughter ringing out like music.

Arriving at the park, we find ourselves surrounded by the sounds of children's laughter and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Joy wastes no time in racing around on her tricycle, her giggles echoing across the playground.

As I watch her play, my gaze wanders to a familiar figure sitting on a nearby bench. It's Helen, the kind-hearted woman I met a few weeks ago, sitting on the same bench. Her grandson is playing on the swings, his laughter mingling with Joy's as they enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood.

I smile and wave as Helen spots us, her face lighting up with recognition. She beckons us over, and I join her on the bench exchanging pleasantries while Joy rides along the sidewalk. It's comforting to have found a new friend here, someone who understands the challenges of taking care of a toddler while also having the life experience of raising her own.

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