Chapter 10

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October 2, 2014

The past five days have gone by in a blur. I've managed to keep my newfound trauma a secret from my parents, but I think they can tell that I'm not feeling ok. They continuously ask me if something is wrong, but I lie and tell them "Oh it's just my period." or "Oh I'm just feeling a little icky."

Lily hasn't caught on either, despite my clear change in tone through text. I hope she doesn't think that I'm drifting away from her, because I could really use my best friend right now.

I step into my homeroom, feeling nervous as ever. I don't know what will happen, but I know that something big will be occurring today; after all, it is my birthday.

Mrs. Keshner gives me a soft smile as I enter the classroom. "I hear its your birthday today?"

"Yes, it is." I hear Zane's voice from behind me. I jump and turn around. Of course he would say that. He likes to assert his dominance over me.

I quickly walk to my desk and sit down beside Ethan who is already there, nodding to Mrs. Keshner. She knows that something is wrong, but she won't be able to do anything about it. She looked frightened when Zane answered for me.

"So, the big one-eight." Ethan says and chuckles. "Today's the day!"

"The day for what?" I snap back, immediately regretting it as I watch Zane come up behind me. My breath hitches as he puts his hands on my shoulders and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"I'll let that slide for today, only because it's your birthday. Don't let me catch you disrespecting my people, I won't allow it." He says and I gulp, mumbling a 'sorry' and looking down. He chuckles and pats my head, sitting down next to me.

Trapped between the boys, there is no escape. There is nothing but fear and sadness. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PE is the only other class where I have to encounter Zane, but thankfully it's the last class of the day. His persistent gaze feels intrusive, especially as his eyes roam my body while I'm wearing the mandatory physical education uniform. It's a simple outfit — a gray t-shirt paired with breathable blue shorts that extend to my knees. Yet, his unwavering stare leaves me unsettled.

Before we head to the locker rooms to change out of our PE clothes, Zane pulls me aside. "Meet me at my car once you've changed. We'll be waiting for you."

"But it's my bir-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Yeah, and we've got a surprise for you." He says and walks off. Feeling defeated, I walk into the locker room and change. However, instead of going to his car, I sneak out so that I can walk home instead. It's my birthday, and I don't care what they have planned for me.

As I'm walking along the lone back roads, void of cars, I feel a sense of dread come over me. I know that my decision will probably make things worse for me, but I just want to be with my family.

As I walk around the corner and get closer to my house, I notice Zane's SUV planted in my driveway, with both of the boys leaning up against it. I stop in my tracks when I see Zane holding the Valencia book in his hand.

"Did you enjoy your little walk?" Zane asks and I gulp.

"W-what the hell are you doing." I ask as I reluctantly get closer to them. Ethan grabs my arm and starts to drag me to my house. I struggle against him and manage to smack him where the sun don't shine. He buckles over in pain and I completely regret my decision while making a run for it up my driveway. Why didn't I just listen in the first place? I probably could have avoided this and whatever comes next.

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