chapter 9: fighting an immortal

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As Ban's nunchaku charged towards me, I deftly sidestepped the attack, letting it pass harmlessly by. With a swift movement, I countered with a precise strike of my own, aiming directly at his stomach.


The tip of my blade pierced through his flesh, causing him to grimace in pain. But to my surprise, instead of recoiling in agony, Ban simply grinned, his eyes alight with excitement.

As I watched in disbelief, his wounds began to heal before my eyes, his flesh knitting itself back together with unnatural speed. It was clear that his rumored immortality was no mere exaggeration.

Undeterred, I tightened my grip on my sword, channeling my energy into a powerful Shadow technique

me: Sword technique: SHADOW SLASH

With a swift motion, I unleashed the full force of my attack, sending waves of dark energy coursing through Ban's body.

But even as he staggered under the impact, Ban's grin only widened, his eyes burning with an intense determination. It was clear that this battle was far from over, and that Ban was more than willing to push himself to the brink in order to emerge victorious.

As his nunchaku coiled around me, I felt the pressure intensify. With a swift motion, I activated my space manipulation, shifting our positions in an instant. Now standing behind him, I seized the opportunity to strike.

Channeling my physics manipulation, I increased the mass of my sword, imbuing it with incredible force. With a powerful downward swing, I brought the blade crashing down upon Ban.

The impact was tremendous, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Ban grunted as he felt the force of the blow, but his immortality allowed him to endure the attack.

With a fierce determination, he retaliated, summoning a surge of energy that sent me flying backward. I landed with a thud, the impact reverberating through my body.

But I refused to give up. Ignoring the pain, I pushed myself to my feet, my sword at the ready. Ban grinned, his eyes alight with excitement as he prepared to unleash another wave of attacks.

As my opponent attempted to use their skill, SNATCH, I swiftly countered by activating my barrier aura. The shimmering barrier enveloped me, warding off their attempt to steal my heart.

,I tapped into my physics manipulation abilities, enhancing my strength to levels beyond imagination. Combined with the power of gravity manipulation


I felt an immense surge of power coursing through my veins as I prepared to strike.

With a fierce battle cry, I launched myself forward, my fist aimed directly at my opponent. The force behind my punch was tremendous, amplified hundreds of times by my enhanced strength and gravitational manipulation.

The impact was cataclysmic. The ground shook beneath us as my fist connected with my opponent, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The sheer force of the blow obliterated everything in its path, reducing the surrounding landscape to rubble.

Debris scattered in all directions as the force of the impact reverberated throughout the area. The sheer power of my attack was undeniable, leaving no doubt as to the extent of my strength and abilities.

He's been draining my power after each contact but I regenerated them very fast

Ban's grin widened as he stood before me, his body slowly knitting itself back together. I could feel the frustration bubbling up inside me as I watched him regenerate effortlessly, seemingly unfazed by the damage I had inflicted.

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