comforting her

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Landing at the airport, I quickly navigated through terminal. Dressed in a disguise with a cap, a mask, and sunglasses, and with only a carry-on backpack, I hurried towards the exit.

Thankfully, no one recognized me as I sprinted through the crowd.

It had been several months since I left Korea, but the current chaos had acted like a magnetic pull, drawing me back. Minji was the reason for my return. But it wasn't just her; it was the whole group, Newjeans.

My former manager was waiting for me outside the terminal. Without wasting any time, we bypassed the company and headed straight to their dormitory since it was already night.

As we arrived at the dorm, I thanked Mrs. Park and approached the door. Hyein opened it and was surprised to see me.


I looked into her eyes, and tears quickly welled up as she threw her arms around my waist.

Hyein was still young, but she'd been staying strong for who knows how long. Seeing her crying in front of me broke my heart.

"It's okay..." I whispered, trying to comfort Hyein.

"Hyein, is Minji back?" I heard someone ask from inside. Then, Danielle appeared. It was clear she'd been crying too. "Y/n...?" Danielle's voice was hoarse, clearly emotional.

Hyein stepped aside, her eyes still filled with tears, making space for Danielle to step forward and hug her long-time friend.

Without hesitation, Danielle enveloped me in a tight embrace. Her body trembled as she burst into tears once again.

"You're actually here..." she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"I'm here..." I whispered back, returning Danielle's hug tightly, trying to offer as much comfort as I could in that moment.

"Where are the others?" I asked, pulling back slightly to look at Danielle and Hyein, concern filling my voice.

"Minji hasn't been seen since the evening. Hanni and Haerin are trying to find her," Hyein explained, her voice quivering with worry.

The sound of the gate being opened caught my ears. I turned around to see Hanni walking slowly, her face clearly showing despair.

Both of us locked eyes, but Hanni was quick to break the eye contact.

"I can't find her.. I- I'm tired," Hanni said, her voice filled with exhaustion as she walked past us and entered the house. Her shoulders slumped.

"Why don't you both get inside first? I'll find her," I told Danielle and Hyein.

They nodded slowly, their faces still filled with concern, and I took that as my cue to excuse myself.

Turning on my phone, I called my close friend, who's like a brother to me, Seungwon. He's the same age as Minji, and they were classmates in high school. They're close, not gonna lie.

After a few seconds, Seungwon answered the call.

"Seungwon, are you with Minji?"

"No, I'm not. Why?"

"Just asking. I'll excuse myself." I hung up the phone and ran towards the road, my heart pounding with worry for Minji.

I thought of all the possibilities of Minji's whereabouts, but everywhere I went, she wasn't there. I tried calling her multiple times, but it was clear she had turned her phone off.

Tired of searching, and as my eyelids grew heavier, I stopped by a quiet park. The night breeze gently rippled through my skin.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart, sitting on a nearby bench and looking up at the starry sky.

Just when I was about to give in to fatigue, a familiar figure caught my eye. It was Minji, sitting alone on a swing, her face hidden in the shadows. Relief washed over me, quickly replaced by concern as I approached her.

I crouched in front of her, trying to catch a glimpse of her face. "Minji," I said softly.

Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, she was frozen.

"Y.. Y/n?"

"Yes, Minji..." I replied gently, reaching out to touch her arm reassuringly.

"It's me, Y/n..." I said gently, my voice barely above a whisper, trying to reassure her.

Minji was clearly emotional, her eyes brimming with tears as she looked at me. Her face was a mix of relief, disbelief, and vulnerability, and I could see the weight of whatever she was going through in her eyes.

"It's okay, Minji. I'm here now,"

She buried her face in the palm of her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Her shoulders shook with each sob, and I could feel the depth of her pain in every sound she made.

Gently, I moved closer and put my arm around her, offering a silent embrace.

"It's okay, Minji. I'm here for you," I whispered, trying to provide some comfort amidst her pain.

"It will be okay... everything will be okay."

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