okay I am in the court only " I told it to my pa and cut the call
I collided into a girl as I was looking at my phone
The moment I saw her eyes , eventually time got stopped
Chocolate brown eyes
I wanted to drown myself in those chocolate brow...
Finally the dreams i and harleen had seen during our childhood are coming true I have always wished that she conquer her dream of becoming a criminal lawyer.
Right now I am in Canada as she has called me for my bachelorette party as I am getting married next month and she decided to give it My future husband is nice , he is calm and respectful and is a businessman But I regret why I said yes to her last night for late night drive because now we aren't able to find the keys of aston martin
Jijaa ji ( Harleen's husband) and harleen are fighting over this and I am casually drinking coke while watching them as we are getting late for court Her mother in law and father in law are finding car keys because they both are busy in fighting Japnam ( harleen's husband ) asked me " vaishnavi chabi kide kol si raati? " ( Vaishnavi , who was having car keys at night?) I pointed at harleen and she gave me a death glare and said " bewafaa" (Cheater) I ignored it and again started sipping on my coke Then her mother in law came and gave us car keys and said it was kept on kitchen shelf
And now we are heading towards the court as they both are Canada's best criminal lawyer It's my first time going to court and I am literally very excited to see court I don't know why but I am having a very strange feeling but I am ignoring it I am wearing my favourite crimson dress with white shoes
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We have reached the court late and hearing is about to start so jijaa jii and harleen are walking very fast or you can say running in the court and me being a slow walker i am not able to cope up with them I am feeling very tired so I stopped for a moment but wait where have they gone ?
I am looking here and there but there is no sign of both of them Where should I go now? I have no idea where to go I started moving in front direction looking here and there when I got bumped into a wall But wait wall is hard but it is hard not that much and when I realised I bumped into someone and I felt pain in my head I said " anna vaa disda ni tainu " (Are you blind , can't you see? ) When I saw into his eyes Oceanic blue eyess I felt a strange feeling in my stomach I am not able to see his face as he was wearing mask and same with me I was wearing a mask too for safety reasons and he was wearing white shirt with black pants and his veins popping out of arms His was giving some mafia vibes too I got lost in his eyes and the time seemed to be stopped when then I heard harleen shouting " babyyy this side , i am here " and I went to harleen I don't know but I had a strange feeling inside me , I have never felt like that But I ignored it and went from there
And then we went into hearing room and by gods grace jija jii and harleen won the case after all they are power couple I adore them a lot like how japnam handles her anger issues and always behave calmly with her . The love in his eyes can be seen very clearly and that's the reason I helped him to get her Will my husband be also like this ? Never mind I should focus on my bachelorette party tonight
Hello guys!!!! So here's first chapter and I hope all of you will like it Please do vote and comment your views ♥️