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Inès woke up the next morning with a sense of anticipation in the air. As the first rays of sunlight gently illuminated her room, she prepared for the day that lay ahead of her. The memory of Pascale's warm invitation to lunch at her home brought a smile to the girl's face, filling her with anticipation for what was to come.

This was exactly what the Monegasque needed.

The night had not been the most peaceful for Inès since returning to Monaco. Under the sheets, she found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of discomfort, tossing and turning, unable to find peace. Nightmares haunted her sleep, repeatedly tearing her from the refuge of unconsciousness.

The reason for her agitation was clear: an unwanted message from Lucas, sent after dinner. The simple sound of the message alert was enough to make her heart race with apprehension. And, upon reading the words loaded with manipulation and cruelty, Inès felt as if she were being dragged back into the abyss of pain and fear that she had fought so hard to leave behind.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself. But don't deceive into believing that you can escape from me forever.  We're a couple. I know we argued, but you need to understand that you can't just leave me so easily. Do you think you can just leave and move on? It won't be that simple, Inès. I won't let you. I gave you everything, Inès, and you'll find out that you can't live without me. Think about it, Inès. Think about what you really want. I'm waiting for you."

Every word written by Lucas was like a sharp knife, cutting deep into her soul and reopening the emotional wounds she had desperately tried to heal. The nightmares that haunted her during the night were just a physical manifestation of the internal torment she faced.

And so, as the first rays of sunlight began to penetrate through the curtains, Inès rose from bed, determined to face the day with courage and resilience. For, despite the ghosts that haunted her at night, today would be a day of happiness.

The comforting warmth of the shower water enveloped Inès's body, gradually dissipating the tension that had built up overnight. Every drop that fell on her skin seemed to carry away the traces of the emotional turmoil she had experienced.

As the water ran over her body, she allowed herself to relax, releasing the worries and fears that haunted her. Every tense muscle slowly relaxed, allowing a sense of peace and tranquility to wash over her.

After a time that felt both short and eternal, Inès turned off the shower, letting the last drops of water trickle down her body. She wrapped herself in a soft towel, absorbing the remaining moisture, before heading to the closet to face the challenge of choosing the right outfit for the upcoming day.

Choosing what to wear had never been such a complicated task. The reality was that the Monegasque was nervous about the imminent reunion with the rest of the Leclerc family.

After three full rotations of Earth around the sun, her eyes landed on a baby blue dress, delicately cut with a touch of femininity and elegance. The fluid fabric gently draped around her body, subtly accentuating her curves, while the modest neckline added a touch of sensuality.

Deciding to add a touch of casualness to the look, Inès chose to wear a pair of white All Stars, contrasting with the delicacy of the dress. It was a choice that contrasted with her usual style in Paris, where she was accustomed to more classic and sophisticated pieces.

She added some simple accessories, such as a pair of pearl earrings and a thin bracelet.

As she put on the baby blue dress and the All Stars, Inès felt a wave of tranquillity and confidence wash over her body. She knew that her choice of clothing was not just a matter of style, but also a statement of determination and self-assurance, reflecting her willingness to face the meeting with the Leclerc family with grace, elegance, and a touch of her relaxed personality. That's how they remembered her and that's how she wanted to present herself to them. Although that girl had disappeared a long time ago.

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