Part 7

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Time goes...

after two weeks sea have done by his paper.

Their vocation start from Tomorrow..

Sea is in canteen while waiting for his friend book and force there is no one in canteen for a while.

Suddenly the group of bad guys come to him and sit with him he get startled.

Hello baby how are you doing. One guy sit next to him while keep his hand on his thigh. Sea feel very disgusting he just get his hand off from his tigh but the guy just drag him towards himself by his waist.

Sea struggling escape from his grip but he is much stronger than sea. Tear start fall on his face.

Oh baby don't cry I just want to have some fun with you darling. Just wanna taste you so bad.. He smirk and whispered in his ear while kiss on his earlobe

No leave me w.what mean p..plz l..l.. leave me he said while sobbing

Oh come on and the guy start drag him towards an empty class

No no plz leave me where you take me. Sea struggling while releasing his wrist from the guy.

He bit on his hand and the guy hissed in pain and sea start running opposite side.

What do you think baby you escape from me hn and he start following him while running behind him

Stop sea if you don't want any trouble then Fucking stop

And sea just crying while running towards his class.

But the guy is so fast he catch him and drag him to class and slapped him across his face, he fell on floor holding his face... while watching the scary man coming towards him with dark eyes he scared like hell and he just screamed

No stop plz don't come to me plz I'm sorry I'm sorry plz leave me he said crying and begging but the guy just come near to him and start biting him as he go further someone punched him across his face and start beating him ...

How dare you to touch him hn force said with dark angry eyes while punching the man again and again make him near unconscious.

Sea just crying in book lap while book try to calm him down he shiver badly in book lap book is so worried..

Hey force stop leave this Fucker we'll deal with him later now we should drove sea to house. Force just come and picked sea go towards his car and placed him with book on front seat. He start driving and book still calming sea.

When they drove to Tay house. Force and book go out from car while holding sea he is a crying mess when they enter in house here tay new and Jim sat on couch while laughing at something.

When they look at us new expression change immediately when he watch the condition of sea and he run towards us and hug sea.

Baby baby what happened. He ask while crying hardly sea is not in position to answer him and he fell down new hold him protect him from hitting the floor.

Sea open your eyes. Book yelled while shaking him.

Jim call the doctor. Tay said while picking sea and went to his room while placing him on his bed.

Book and force tell them everything. New just crying. Tay try to calm him.

Doctor checked sea.

He is now OK but plz take care of him and also don't harsh on him. I give you some medicine give him on time and make sure he don't take stress. Don't ask too much from him it scared him most. Doctor said while exuse himself

New come towards bed he sit with sea. He just caress his hair.

Book and force go to their home at night.

Tay in his room and Jimmy also go to his room no one had dinner even no one concern about dinner.

Jim burn in anger when he see those marks on sea neck he just gritted his teeth.

I'll make your life hell. I'll show you the real hell how dare you to lay your finger on what's mine. He said to himself.

At mid night

No no don't come to me plz don't hurt me I'm so sorry sorry plz don't come

Sea scream in his dream

No no don't do this plz plz


No no

New get up

Sea baby open your eyes plz it's just dream while heard the shout Jimmy also came to new room

No noooooo

Sea scream while open his eyes he taking deep breath he immediately hug new and crying hard

H. Hia he he come to me he is bad he talk bad to me Hia.. H.he gonna k.kill me

I'm s.scared hia I'm scared

Shhh.. Baby no one is here I'm here with you ok no one dare to touch you. Said new while playing his finger in sea hair.

Jimmy just come to sea and start pat his back.

It's ok sea just go back to sleep ok no one dare to touch you we are here with you. Sea nodded

He tightly grip on new shirt that his life depends on him and go back to sleep.
New tear fall looking at him.

Next morning

New make breakfast..

Tay and jim come to dining hall.

How's sea. Ask Jimmy

He is not ok. He dream all night. You people don't know him he is so sensitive. I know that day was the same...... New eyes wide and he shut his mouth immediately ...

What happened new is everything OK. Tay ask concernly

New sit on chair..

When he was 6 year old he was going for tution with book. We don't know his tutor was bad person. He touched him in wrong places but sea was child he don't know what he was doing. One day tutor said to book that he go back to home. Book was happily going back to home but he forgot his book with sea so he again go back to his tutor house to take his book from sea and when he came back he saw tutor who was forced himself to sea he Thore sea shirt and start kissing and biting him. Sea crying and ask him to stop but he didn't when he was about to take sea pant off book run and hit tutor on his head with flower vessel. And he grab sea and run back to home.. On that day there was a heavy rain they don't care how many time sea fall down because of slippery road. He was injured everywhere. When they came back to our house they both all wet and shivering. My parents and me run towards them but sea fall down. We don't know how sea managed to come back home with those bruises and injuries on his body. Book tell us everything.He was almost raped that day. Sea spend almost one month at the hospital. New crying while telling them about sea past.

We report that guy but he had money and he release himself in few days.

Sea from that day scared of people he is scared of each and everything. New sobbed

Tay come to him and hug him. Jim just surprised that how someone do this to 6 year old boy. He don't know but he just badly want that man.

New can you tell me the name of that guy. Jim ask in serious tone

Mik jitaraphol..New said

Jim eyes went wide because that man no one but his family member. Tay also got surprised.

Why you ask

I'll tell you later don't worry. Jim said with fake smile.

This is enough for today..

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