Part 8

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New go towards room

Sea baby wake up it's late.. You should do your breakfast baby... New said caressing his hair

Sea got up immediately almost scared but see new he hug him new pat his head

Baby come you should take your breakfast ok.

Sea nodded they go downstairs.

Jim and tay bud good morning to him.

How are you sea. Jimmy ask with smile

I'm good phi. He said slowly

OK now eat. New said to them

They all eat no one utter a single word.

Tay and Jimmy went to office while new stay home with sea for some days.

Book and force tell them that they visit sea everyday so that he is not in that state.

At evening When book and force arrive. Sea run towards them and hug both of them
Tay and Jim just smile at his cuteness.

Book make him sit sea on his lap while force also clingy with them. Jim and Tay just sigh.

He phi let's come we'll play something. Sea turn towards force and wrapped his arm around his neck saying poutingly.

Oh ok but after 10 minutes let us talk. Sea just shrugged his hand. He ask book for playing book immediately except because he don't want to make his friend sad

Sea immediately kiss book cheeks. And smile Jim just feel little Jelous

Phi force I'm not gonna talk to you. Phi book you also broke up with him he is bad. Don't get married to him. If you get married to him he'll not let you play with me sea said pouting

Hey hey you broke us already. It's bad force fake sad he knows sea.

Hey hey phi I'm sorry plz don't be sad I don't like when people sad because of me. Pweasss sea look at him with doe eyes and hug him.

Oh I'm just kidding how can someone angry on such a cute kitten. He just hug him back while pinching his nose.

Sea giggle ah phi force you are and force start tickling him sea start laughing loudly.

OK ok you are good phi... Sea just surrender

And they all laughed together exept one person who feels jealous inside..


Other pov

How happy my baby look now he look at the screen.

Just little wait baby you are all mine

No one stole you from me baby. No one he smile with himself


They all playing together while Jimmy watched them

Sea come to Jimmy

Phi jim come on play with us. Sea said while struggling him up

Oh sea it's ok you play with your friends ok I'm Al right

No phi Pweasss come na you'll enjoy it. Sea said looking jim with doe eyes jim don't resist him and with this looking he just wanna squash his face.

OK. He said smiling.

They all play together sea sit near to jim. Jim is so happy by inside he is dancing by inside

Time passed

Force and book return home.

New and tay preparing dinner.

Sea and jim talk sea the one who speaking non stop and Jim hear him lovingly he sometimes stare at him for long time that sea snapped him back by doing something

Hey new do you think Jimmy interested in sea. Tay said

How you say this... New said with frown

Why you don't like Jimmy. You know he is a good person. Even if he love sea I'm by his side because I don't think someone care for sea the way he care. And also I know sea is immature but Jim is mature person he never hurt sea. Tay said in serious tone

It's not like that tay I like Jim he is most perfect for sea but there age difference and also I don't think sea love him in that way and we also don't know whether Jim love sea or not. New said while preparing the food.

Oh new come on its so obvious look at Jim only sea is annocent who don't understand that eyes those emotions in eyes and love and care which only for him in those eyes. I Know how Jim react when you tell us about his past. He don't show but he love him so much I know him. New just think about it he is perfect for sea.

New nodded.

They all sit for dinner

Tay start

Hey Jim when will you be get married you are getting old. Tay said in teasin tone.

You should think about your own don't worry about me I'll married when I found my soul mate.. Jim said rolling his eyes

Oh but I think you found your soul mate but you hide him from us.. Tay teased

What do you mean tay you talking nonsense. Just shut your mouth..

Oh ok as you wish just hide we'll see how long you hide your soul mate.. Tay said while showing his tongue.

Oh new you said to me that you wanna arrange sea marriage with our marriage tay just wink on him new understood and say.

Yes because I don't want my baby left alone. Sea just sigh

Why hia you tell me you don't leave me. Sea pouted

Who said I leave you but I want you to be happy and be with your partner and children. New said while make sea blushed

Hia.... Sea hide his face

BY the way who is the lucky one who gonna marry our sea baby. Tay said while looking at Jim. Jim expression is readable tay just smirk..

I'll tell you... new said

Hia but I don't know who is my mate you Don't tell me. Sea said annocently

You don't trust your Hia I choose a best partner for you baby.

No no Hia I trust you more than myself If I don't even know that person I'll marry him without knowing him because I trust you Hia you never choose bad things for me. Sea said with smile and hug Hia

OK baby as we'll start shopping from tomorrow
So sea should also going with us because it's also his wedding afterall.

Jim get up angrily and rush towards his room tay just laugh continuesly

Hey you are so creep we shouldn't have to do this with him. New said while lightly slap tay

No no you'll see by yourself he'll be in your feet in some days ..... Tay laugh while new just sigh

This is enough for today

Bye reader

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