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The effects of the tranquilizer were starting to affect her breathing as well, making it even more shallow and slow now. Her breathing was also becoming very light and shallow, but this was another side effect of the tranquilizer taking its course. She still remained unconscious now, her eyes shut firmly shut as she was basically at the mercy of the drugs in her system.

Her breath was becoming even more shallow now, her breaths turning into heavy but slow gasps. The tranquilizer was basically taking complete effect on her, her mind and body starting to relax even more as she laid limp in Ghost's grip. She was still unconscious, but her breathing was becoming even more erratic now, becoming a cause for concern.

Ghost looked at her with worried eyes, he tightened his grip on her as he observed her fragile limp body in his arms. "Fuck..." he roughly whispered. "Soap, how copy?"

Soap heard the call just then, and he responded back. "Copy that... I've secured the package on my way to extraction..." Ghost tightened his grip around her yet again, his facial expression still looking very worried. Her body was still limp in his grip, her pulse and other health indicators starting to drop, although not significantly yet just now.

"Copy, extraction inbound..." Soap said again, sounding more focused now. But despite his efforts to stay calm and focused, he couldn't help but feel worried about the effects the tranquilizer was taking on her. Her vitals were starting to drop even more now, with her pulse dropping to 78bpm. Her breathing was getting even more erratic now, but Ghost still managed to keep a hold of her despite her growing weight.

Ghost formed his hand into a fist, his fingertips touching the palm of his hand. He roughly rubbed hard circles into Y/n's chest in hopes for her to regain consciousness. He continued to pound near her right shoulder, "Hey, can you hear me?" He urgently asked.  Ghost was watching her breathing intently, he would perform CPR if he needed to, but it was too early to do that just yet.

She felt the light pounding on her body, but she was too deep under the effect of the tranquilizer to rouse herself. His pounding and rubbing had little to no effect in getting her to regain consciousness. Her pulse dropped further to 72bpm now, her breath becoming even more shallow now as her breathing was barely even audible. It was clear that the tranquilizer was taking full effect on her now, and she was slipping deep into unconsciousness.

Ghost tried his best to remain cool and collected but his nerves and adrenaline were on high alert as he radioed Soap and Gaz again. "What's the status of the extraction?" His deep British accent grimly spoke in question.

"Extraction team is ten minutes out," Soap responded, sounding as calm as he could. He was probably also on edge like Ghost was right now as he remained focused on the mission. "Extraction point will be secured and cleared within ten minutes..." Soap said again, the tense tones of his voice audible even through the radio.

"Y/n won't make it in 10 minutes..." he grumbled frustratedly. "At this rate, her health is deteriorating as we speak..."

Soap could hear the irritation and worry in Ghost's tone as they talked over the radio. "Is she still alive?" Soap asked, his attention focused on the vital indicators that they were able to keep tabs on for her.

"She is...whatever they managed to tranquillize her with, definitely is intended to harm and potentially kill..."

"Copy that... extraction is being sped up. We should be out of there in about five minutes..." Soap replied before looking over at the vital indicators that they had on her, which were starting to look rather grim. "We're doing the best we can to keep her alive... she has a very slim chance of making it though... if we're not fast enough on extraction she might not make it..." he said to Ghost.

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