Chapter 6

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Alistair's POV

It takes a week to process my visa, and sort out everything before I can fly to Nigeria. In the movies, the guy runs after the girl just like that; there are no borders, no real life practicalities to consider. Alas, this is not the movies. And as I move slowly through the queue at the Nigerian border checkpoint, I'm all too conscious of this fact. The process is painless though slow, and soon enough, my passport is stamped, and I'm through the other side: officially in Nigeria. Apart from safaris, I've never been to Africa - and I've definitely never stepped foot in West Africa. Not once in the years I was with Thena did I think to ask about her homeland, her culture - something so integral it shaped her into the woman I love. At the thought, Archie's words from weeks ago echo in my memory: "you're selfish".

I would never have described myself as such. In every relationship, I've been the perfect gentleman - charming and debonair. I've sent just because flowers, bought Cartier bracelets, and done weekends in Paris. Basically, I've done the same thing for every girl. All I did, I did for me, in a sense. It was about my image and perception, about being perfect. When I took Thena to France, it wasn't because she was a Francophile, but because I saw it as a no brainer. I expected she'd love it. So when she smiled and said thank you in a way that was genuine but not excited and full of passion like I know she can be, I chalked it off to tiredness. No wonder they say hindsight is 20/20 - standing here, looking back, I'm beginning to see the extent of my selfishness. Of how enthralled I was with the fact that she was perfect for me, and the little effort I put into being perfect for her.

"Welcome to the beautiful land of Nigeria". I'm jolted out of my thoughts by an all too familiar voice say. It's Archie, somehow in the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, at the same time as me, dressed in a Nigeria football jersey, but without his signature cowboy hat.
"Why are you here?" I ask stoically. I know there's no world in which this is ordinary coincidence .
"Well, well, well. I thought you'd be excited, but you're looking at me like I just ate your dog. Anywho, no matter - I'm always under appreciated anyway. I'm here because you my friend, are out of your depth. You don't know the country, the culture, you don't know ANYTHING. Now that would be fine if you were a regular old tourist, but you're here to woo a girl. Now I'm no love expert, but I sure as hell know there ain't nothing sexy or charming about an unprepared man. And before you ask how I know about Nigeria, I'd like to remind you I've been here more times than I count - oil tycoon, remember? And even if I hadn't, two heads are better than one and all that jazz."

I take a minute to think over his words. He's right of course, but I feel my spine stiffen with pride. I'm not some charity project that can't get by without dear old Archie.
He does his trademark looking into the depths of your soul thing and says: "now look, I'm not trying to encroach on your territory. I'm not trying to emasculate you. I'm here to be your friend - to help you because you need it whether you want to admit that or not. And needing help doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. You've helped me more times than I can count, and I'll be damned if I walked away now."

I said I didn't want to be like my father. So I guess this is where it starts. My father has no friends; he has acquaintances and convenient allies, but trusts no one.
"You can't have a knife in your back if no one's beside you", he'd said to me repeatedly as a child. And even though I'd like to decry him as an illogical man, it makes perfect sense: if you never trust anyone, no one can betray you. But what is a life without trust, without friends? Is a life a life if there is no risk of hurt?
"Thank you" I say to Archie, with a firm nod of the head.
"Okay then" he says, clapping his fingers. "Let's get you to your hotel, and then we'll figure out a game plan."

Thena's POV

I feel my lungs burning and my legs screaming under me. This was maybe not the best idea.
"We're almost there, Tola. 15 more minutes to the top."
I side eye Amaka climbing beside me, and looking like she could take another five hours and still be perfectly fine. I'd like to give her an earful, letting know how utterly terrible this idea was, but right now I'm out of breath and if I attempt to talk, I may just die. So I focus instead of using all the energy in my being to get to the top of this rock. It feels like an eternity later, but eventually we get to the top. And after taking a few minutes to recover my breath, I'm able to take in the otherworldly view. Abuja looks like something out of a movie, from up here. Tall trees dot the landscape, interspersed with winding roads and colourful roof tiles shining in the late afternoon sunlight. I reach for my phone to take a picture, and all of a sudden Alistair's voice is in my head. If he were here right now, I know exactly what he'd say:
"Thena, darling, stop trying to live life through a camera lens. Be here in the moment, now. See with your eyes,and record with your heart."

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