Chapter 2

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Micky invited the two of them to the cafeteria since it was almost five o’clock. All of the prisoners gathered in one place, which meant if you didn’t get there early, you were forced to wait in a wearisome long line. Once they reached the first floor, Micky called out to a man in the crowd.

“Hey, Nathan. Good timing. Let me introduce you to these guys. Jimin Lennix and Matthew Caine. They’re in Block A starting today. This here is my roommate, Nathan.”

“Nathan Clark. Pleased to meet you.” Nathan smiled warmly, holding a few books in the crook of one arm and holding out the other hand for a handshake. He was around thirty, with straight, shiny chestnut hair that drew the eye. He was tall and thin, but his broad shoulders kept him from looking scrawny. His narrow nose and thin lips made him look intelligent but also somewhat high-strung. Yet his gentle smile and natural, relaxed manner took the edge off that impression, leaving him with one of dignified acceptance.

“Come to the cafeteria with us,” Micky said.

“Sure. Give me a minute while I put these books away,” Nathan answered serenely, and slowly ascended the stairs. In some peculiar way, he seemed not of this world.

While they waited, Micky launched into his life story at no one’s request. He had botched a bank robbery, gotten arrested, and had been here for five years now. He proudly informed them that he smuggled in prohibited items through a unique route that passed under the guard’s radar, and made a business of selling his wares to a broad clientele.

“If you need anything, just let me know. Porno mags, drugs, knives, you name it. I can get you anything except ladies.”

Jimin inwardly gave a wry smile. So that was what this was about. He had been wondering why Micky was so friendly, but now he knew that for Micky, newcomers meant new customers.

Nathan returned shortly, and the group of four exited Block A and headed toward the cafeteria. Micky whistled to himself as he ambled on ahead. Nathan in the rear proceeded to fill in Jimin and Matthew, who were still clueless, on various things about the prison.

The building was divided broadly into four wings encompassing the grounds: the central wing, west wing, east wing, and north wing. The east and west wings consisted of cells; the north wing had a gymnasium and work factory; the central wing, the only one to have a protrusion to make it a T-shape, had the warden’s office, administration office, and the guards’ station, as well as the control centre – all part of the management wing in the bottom section of the “T” that formed the main core of the prison. At the back of the “T” were the cafeteria, recreation room, infirmary, library, and educational facilities.

Security checks were conducted by the guards at certain major gates. Some locations were equipped with metal detectors.

“Countless ways to get around those, of course,” Nathan added, flashing a sly smile. He explanations were to-the-point and concise. Even a short conversation was enough to show that he was an intelligent man.

They were frisked at the cafeteria entrance. Jimin could see what Nathan meant as the guard gave him a halfhearted pat-down. With body checks like these, he wouldn’t have much trouble sneaking in a small blade or two – in his shoes, under the collar of his shirt, behind his belt. There were plenty of places to hide one if he felt the need to.

In the kitchen, inmates donning white aprons worked busily under the scrutinizing eye of the guards. Micky and Nathan, followed by Jimin and Matthew, picked up plastic trays and joined a line that was already getting quite long as they waited for their supper to be dished out.

The meal consisted of a few items such as fried fish and chicken, cheese grits in paper cups, and salad. Bread was free to take, as well as orange juice and coffee.

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