Chapter 1

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Timeline:- There are a few differences from the show: Areeb isn't engaged, and his cousin didn't come to the reception, which means Maheer's dad is fine. Just like the show, Maheer finds out the truth about Areeb's dad, gets angry at everyone, accuses Saad of knowing about it, and he tells her that he will leave her whenever she asks. After a few days, she asks him to divorce her as she could no longer deal with the guilt of hurting Areeb and because she is still in love with him. The story begins from here.

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Saad and Maheer entered the living room to find everyone looking at them with worried gazes. Saad had suddenly arranged a family meeting for an important discussion, something he hadn't done before, which surprised and worried everyone. As he stood there, he felt as if his heart was about to be torn apart with each passing minute. Observing everyone's expressions, he knew that this wouldn't be an easy conversation. However, he was determined not only to proceed with it, no matter how much it hurt, but also resolved to keep his own feelings hidden, in order to prevent Maheer from being blamed or feeling guilty about this decision.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, and addressed the room with a calm tone, "Maheer and I have made a decision. We're getting divorced. This marriage has brought neither of us happiness, especially considering we were forced into it. It's better to end it now than to continue living in misery."

Azhar's expression twisted with anger as he retorted, "Is marriage some kind of joke to the two of you?"

Maheer, feeling her frustration boiling over, shot back, "You're the one who forced us into this marriage. If you hadn't been so impatient, none of this would have happened. You've ruined both mine and Saad's lives by forcing us into a loveless marriage. I refuse to let you continue dictating our lives. Areeb knows the truth, and we want to be together."

Before anyone could react, Saad approached his father, knowing that his father's decision would be final. He knelt down and took his father's hand, his voice trembling with emotion that he was trying to hide. "All my life until now, I have done everything you've asked. I've never disagreed, never questioned your decisions. But for the first time, I'm asking you, please don't force us to stay together. Please."

Sarwar looked into his son's eyes, seeing the pain and brokenness hidden behind a mask of strength. Saad's eyes looked almost haunted, and his heart broke at his son's state. He felt the weight of guilt settle heavily on his shoulders, realizing the consequences of his actions. For the first time, he wished his son hadn't been so obedient, hadn't sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of familial duty.

With a serious nod, he agreed, "If that's really what both of you want, then we won't force you to stay together."

Azhar's stunned expression mirrored that of the others in the room, but as he locked eyes with his brother, a silent understanding passed between them. With a heavy sigh, he nodded in hesitant acceptance, knowing deep down that this decision was for the best. Taking Maheer by the hand, he silently led her away, his thoughts filled with a mix of emotions.

Rafia felt relief as she watched her daughter break free from a loveless marriage. Knowing her daughter deserved someone from a wealthier household, she was thrilled that Maheer would now marry Areeb, whom she believed to be a better match. Feeling smug, she left with them, content in the knowledge that her daughter was finally on the path to a better life. 

Once they left, Saad went straight to his room, knowing that he could no longer hold back his feelings. His steps heavy with the weight of his shattered emotions. He collapsed onto the sofa as he entered and buried his head in his hands. Tears filled his eyes, each breath feeling heavier than the last as his heart broke with each passing moment. 

Neelo who was standing in silence this whole time glaring at Maheer until their exit, went after her brother. As she entered his room, his state broke her heart, and without uttering a word of complaint or inquiry, she simply embraced him in a tender hug.

Meanwhile, Sarwar and Aneesa stood together, watching Saad leave without saying a single word, with a mixture of guilt, anger, and pain evident on their faces. They understood that he left because he didn't want them to witness him in such a vulnerable state. Their hands found each other's, fingers tangled in a silent gesture of shared remorse. They knew the weight of their collective guilt would linger long after this evening had passed.

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As Maheer and her family stepped into their house, Azhar silently went to his room, consumed by a storm of emotions—anger, disappointment, and shame. He couldn't bring himself to face his brother, feeling as though he had let him down in the worst possible way.

Rafia looked at Maheer and pulled her daughter in a tight hug, her relief evident. "I'm so happy you're finally free from that sham of a marriage," she expressed, her voice conveying both joy and smugness. Maheer met her mother's gaze but remained silent, her mind clouded with unease she couldn't shake.

Maheer went to her room and paced around, finding herself unable to shake off the restlessness bothering her inside. Instead of the expected relief, she felt an unclear sense of discomfort. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of her phone, and when she saw Areeb's name on the screen, she pushed away those troubling thoughts and answered with a smile.

"Hello," Maheer greeted softly, her voice filled with eagerness and excitement.

"Hello," Areeb's voice sounded warm and enthusiastic on the other end, mirroring Maheer's own feelings.

"I've spoken to my family, and they've agreed to the divorce," Maheer informed him, her voice tinged with relief and enthusiasm.

"Really? That's fantastic news!" Areeb exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I'll talk to the lawyers and arrange the papers for you."

"Thank you," Maheer responded sincerely, her gratitude evident in her soft tone and gentle smile. "I'll see you soon."

"I can't wait for this to be finalized. Then we can start planning our wedding shopping," Areeb suggested eagerly, his infectious enthusiasm shining through.

Maheer blushed at the thought, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. "Yes, I'm looking forward to it," she admitted shyly, her excitement growing with each passing moment.

To be continued...

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The next part is coming soon, and your likes and comments keep me motivated. Share your preferences and feedback to inspire more writing. Your input matters, so please be considerate in your critiques. 🌟

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