Chapter 4

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Saad was deeply engrossed in reviewing the file for the upcoming project when a soft knock on his office door drew his attention. Looking up, he saw Haya standing there, a small stack of files balanced in her arms. Her expression was calm yet professional, and she offered him a warm smile.

"We need to leave for the meeting," she informed him, her tone respectful yet with a sense of urgency.

Saad nodded, acknowledging her reminder. He closed the file in front of him, setting it aside before rising from his chair. Together, they exited the office, the atmosphere between them comfortable and familiar, shaped by years of working closely together.

The drive to their destination was quiet, filled with the soft hum of the car engine and the occasional rustling of papers as Haya reviewed notes for the meeting. Saad, on the other hand, was lost in thought, mentally preparing himself for the discussion ahead. It took them nearly an hour to reach their destination.

When they finally arrived, they both stepped out of the car, their pace quick as they made their way to the building. The sleek glass doors of the office building opened as they approached, and they were greeted by the cool air of the reception area. Without wasting any time, they walked directly towards the reception desk, where the receptionist greeted them with a polite nod.

"We have an appointment," Haya said smoothly, her voice carrying the confidence of someone who knew their business well. The receptionist quickly checked their schedule and gestured towards the elevators.

"You're expected in the conference room on the top floor," she informed them.

Saad exchanged a brief glance with Haya, both silently affirming their readiness, before they made their way towards the elevators, ready to tackle whatever challenges the meeting would present.

They both entered the conference room and took their seats, settling in while waiting they quietly discussed last-minute details, the door creaked open, drawing their attention. Two figures stepped inside—a man in his late 40s with a confident, commanding presence, and a young woman, likely in her 20s, who exuded a calm, poised demeanor.

There was no mistaking who they were. Waqas and Zoya Siddiqui, the renowned father-daughter legal duo, were well-known in the industry. Waqas was a respected lawyer with decades of experience, and Zoya had quickly made a name for herself, becoming a rising star in the legal world. Haya, a huge admirer of Zoya, felt a surge of excitement. She had followed Zoya's career closely, idolizing her and tracking her accomplishments on every social media platform.

Saad, on the other hand, was familiar with them from his meticulous research on the company before deciding to reach out. He knew their reputation for excellence and was well-prepared for this meeting.

As Saad and Haya stood up to greet them, the formalities began. They extended their hands, and polite handshakes followed. But when Saad's hand met Zoya's, an unexpected jolt of energy passed between them—something unspoken and powerful. It was enough to make them both instinctively pull back, momentarily thrown by the strange connection.

The brief yet charged interaction didn't escape the notice of Waqas and Haya. They both observed the quick exchange, the puzzled looks on Saad and Zoya's faces, and the almost imperceptible pause in the air. Yet, like seasoned professionals, they chose to overlook it, continuing with the formalities as if nothing unusual had happened.

As they settled into their seats, Saad began his presentation with a calm, confident demeanor. His voice was steady, his delivery polished, and he moved through the material with ease, clearly demonstrating his mastery of the subject. Zoya remained quiet throughout, her expression neutral as she focused intently on every word, doing her best to push aside the unsettling moment from earlier. She was determined to stay professional, not allowing herself to be distracted by the inexplicable spark that had passed between them.

Waqas, meanwhile, engaged actively, occasionally interrupting with pointed questions. Each time, Saad responded with precision and clarity, never missing a beat. His thoroughness and depth of understanding did not go unnoticed. Waqas, a seasoned lawyer who had seen countless presentations, found himself genuinely impressed with Saad's preparedness and professionalism. 

When the presentation finally came to a close, Waqas turned to his daughter, seeking her silent input. Zoya met his gaze and gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod. It was all the confirmation he needed.

Waqas then shifted his attention back to Saad, his expression serious. "It seems," he began slowly, "that we won't be seeing much of each other in the future."

Saad and Haya's faces remained carefully composed, though a flicker of confusion passed between them. They exchanged glances, trying to decipher what Waqas meant. Had they misread the situation? Was the deal not going through after all? They braced themselves, striving to maintain their professional poise despite the uncertainty.

Waqas let the tension hang in the air for a moment longer, then, with the barest hint of a smile, he added, "Because Zoya will be the one you'll be working with."

His tone was so matter-of-fact that it took a moment for the words to sink in. When they finally did, Saad and Haya both visibly relaxed, the realization dawning on them that the deal had been successful. Relief washed over them, and they couldn't help but chuckle at their initial confusion.

Zoya and Waqas, too, shared a small, amused smile, clearly enjoying the moment. It was a subtle but meaningful shift in the atmosphere—an acknowledgment that they were all on the same page and that the collaboration was off to a good start.

Saad extended his hand towards Zoya, his smile more genuine this time. "I look forward to working with you, Ms. Siddiqui," he said, his tone carrying both sincerity and warmth.

As Zoya reached out to shake his hand, their fingers touched, and both felt a jolt of energy again, like a spark passing between them. It was subtle but undeniable—a fleeting moment that sent a brief shiver through each of them. Their eyes locked, a silent acknowledgment of the strange connection, but neither reacted outwardly.

Zoya maintained her composure, her grip firm as she shook his hand, though the sensation lingered, making her heart beat just a little faster. "The feeling is mutual, Mr. Hussain," she replied, her voice steady but with a slight undertone of curiosity. "I believe this will be a successful partnership."

Haya, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward, her smile bright and reassuring, pretending to be oblivious to the undercurrent between Saad and Zoya. "We're excited to see where this leads," she added, her voice full of optimism.

Though Saad and Zoya quickly withdrew their hands, the moment hung in the air, charged with the electricity of that brief contact. Both tried to push it aside, focusing on the task at hand, yet that spark lingered in the back of their minds.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Finally, the wait is over! Our leads have crossed paths. Fingers crossed it was worth the wait for you, and I'll do my best to keep you hooked. Expect updates every Tuesday. Let me know what you think as your likes and comments keep me motivated. Share your preferences and feedback to inspire more writing. Your input matters, so please be considerate in your critiques. 🌟

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