Chapter five

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No ones pov

Currently, at the nest of the Shuuki, Kyouka, Yuuki in his slave form, Maki, and Shigeo were all on the edge looking down at the nest.

Shigeo's thoughts: Holy shit, look at all those Shuuki that are waiting to be murdered.

Yuuki: A Human going in there would be bad...Let's get this done quickly.

Maki: Agreed.

Kyouka: Don't charge in yet. Wait for my signal.

Maki: Why?

Kyouka: Because we'll destroy them with the 7th Unit's surefire coordination. We'll begin by dealing a lot of damage with Shushu's attacks.

Just then, Shushu giant fists  smashed the Shuuki , causing them to die and fly into the air

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Just then, Shushu giant fists smashed the Shuuki , causing them to die and fly into the air. Himari then transforms her arm into a machine gun as she starts to shoot at the Shuuki on the ground.

Kyouka: Himari will then deal with the Shuuki that received damage, which will leave them with no choice but to combine. It spares us the trouble of getting rid of them one by one.

Shigeo: So we win by just crushing them after they've gotten huge?

Kyouka: Exactly, the Shuuki are tough but their behavior is predictable. If we just keep this up, we will not lose.

Just then the woman with white hair and the horned Shuuki appeared in front of Shushu, catching her off guard, it then punched Shushu in the stomach, making her to shrink back to normal and fall to her knees. Everyone then noticed them as Kyouka saw the horned Shuuki as she started to remember her village being murdered by that one Shuuki.

Kyouka: It's him!

The white-haired woman and the horned Shuuki landed on the ground.

???: Im here for the party!

Himari: What is that, some monster!?

Himari painted her machine gun towards the white haired girl and began shooting her, but she reflected the bullets with her hair, much to Himari's shock.

Himari: Wha-

???: Calling me a monster, arent you? Just so you know, I'm pretty good at arguments.

The white haired girl opened her motubh widely as a white glow appeared in her mouth,

The white haired girl opened her motubh widely as a white glow appeared in her mouth,

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